Page 3 of Welcome to Carnage

Nyx shows no amusement in his eyes as he watches his friend. “Perhaps.”

I seize the opportunity to lighten the mood. “Well, before anyone gets smothered by a pillow,” I interject. “How about we kick off the Halloween Carnival spirit early? I’ve got the perfect horror movie for us.” I divert my gaze from Nyx, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

Luna, who’s been enjoying the spectacle, jumps in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Ooh, now that’s what I’m talking about! Pierce, are you scared?” She teases.

Pierce rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “You need to get a life, Luna.”

“So, who’s in?” I ask.

Nyx, for the first time, breaks his silence. “Sounds interesting,” he says, his voice low but audible. “I’m in.”

Pierce groans dramatically, throwing his hands in the air. “Fine, but it better not be as shit as that one you made us watch last year. It was more of a comedy than a horror.”

With a triumphant grin, I walk to the DVD rack, carefully selecting the movie. “Trust me, this one is different. It’s been rated the best horror movie this year.” I reassure Pierce, throwing a glance at Nyx. He raises an eyebrow, giving nothing away.

Luna, ever the cheerleader, claps her hands in anticipation. “I’ve heard great things about this movie.”

I turn on the television, sliding the DVD into the player. Pierce turns off the lights and settles on the couch with Nyx on one side and Luna on the other. I sit down on the single armchair and get comfy. The opening credits start to roll, the eerie music filling the silence. The only light is the flickering screen, casting ghost-like shadows around the room.

Nyx’s eyes are fixed on the screen, his expression unreadable. As the movie starts, the tension from earlier is forgotten. I find it amusing to watch people’s reactions to the movie. Luna screams at any little jumpy moment, even when it’s not scary. Pierce makes sarcastic comments occasionally, but you can tell it’s freaking him out. And Nyx. Well, Nyx watches with a blank expression.

Despite the movie playing on screen, I hate that he keeps drawing my attention to him. I can’t help but wonder what goes on in that mind of his. I’ve known him long enough and never found out. Something tells me it’s probably best that way. Nyx is an enigma that should remain a mystery.


Ican’t believe I let Luna talk me into this. Sitting in Luigi’s in Carnage town center, I wish I hadn’t bothered. The guy sitting opposite me isn’t making this easy.

“So, James, have you always lived in Carnage?” I ask.

He may be hot, but he’s making no effort to have a conversation. And since this is my second date ever, and the guy before was way more friendly, I’m feeling awkward as hell. My stomach churns as he also wound up dead, which I’m trying to ignore. Luna insists it was a coincidence.

“No, I moved here when I was five,” he replies, his eyes casually scanning the menu.

“That’s nice. Your family must enjoy it here,” I continue, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

“It’s okay. Just a town,” James shrugs, his brief responses doing little to alleviate the awkwardness.

The silence that follows is painful. I rack my brain for another topic. “So, Halloween is a week away. Are you planning on going to the local Halloween Carnival?”

“I’m not really into Halloween,” he responds flatly.

“Oh, okay. Me and my friends are going.”

“Really?” James asks, his interest piqued for the first time since we sat down as he looks at me. “Will Luna be there?” His eyes light up.

Goddamn it.

This guy is into Luna, and the clueless idiot has set me up with him. No wonder he’s showing no interest in me.

“Yeah, she’s going as Harley Quinn this year,” I reply, relieved at the sign of life in the conversation, even if it’s about Luna.

The waiter arrives, saving us from further awkward small talk. I order a Caesar salad, and James opts for a steak. Time seems to stand still after the waiter leaves. I endlessly stir my drink, lost in thought, until James breaks the silence.

“Do you believe in ghosts, Avina?” he asks, leaning back in his chair.

“Excuse me?” I look up, surprised.

“I mean, with this Halloween talk, I’m curious,” he explains, a hint of amusement in his eyes.