Page 25 of Deadly Hacker

Before he got halfway up the drive, Emma Jean emerged from the townhouse. Clearly, she’d been watching and waiting for him to arrive. Rad’s jaw dropped. She wore flowy black trousers of a soft material, comfortable black heeled boots, a white crop top, and a casual black cardigan to match her pants. Her mane of dreamy, bouncy golden curls framed her face and brushed her shoulders. She wore a minimal but expertly applied layer of makeup, a little gloss and shine to play up her naturally gorgeous features. Rad thought she would look at home in a nice restaurant or out on some scenic trail.

Elegant, but relaxed. And utterly breathtaking.

“Hi,” she said shyly.

“Well, hello,” he replied, rushing around to open the car door. He offered a hand as she slid inside. Rad was stricken almost speechless by her addictive feminine scent.

“You look absolutely stunning,” he told her as he slid behind the wheel and fired up the engine. He backed out of the driveway, stealing split-second glances at her all the while.

“Thank you. I’ve never worn this outfit before,” she said.

“You didn’t have to pick up something new for the likes of me,” Rad replied with a smile.

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and bit her lip. “Actually, it’s not new. I’ve had it for a while, but I haven’t been out on a night like this since I moved here.”

“Don’t tell me you’re not in high demand,” Rad teased softly. “There’s no way a girl like you makes it through a single day without some guy asking you out.”

“I spend a lot of time at work,” she admitted. “My closest coworker is gay, most of my yoga students are women, and every Friday I hang out with a bunch of children, as you know. Not a lot of viable candidates.”

“Well, now that you know me, your nights and weekends are about to get a lot more exciting,” Rad told her confidently.

“After what happened on Friday, I’m okay with less drama,” she said.

“How are you holding up, by the way? Are you all right?” he asked genuinely.

Emma Jean gave him a brave nod. “I’m fine. I’m lucky, actually. Things could have gone so much worse.”

“That’s true. You saved those kids’ lives, you know,” Rad asserted.

The blush deepened across her face. “I just did what felt right in the moment.”

“You’re a capital-G good person, Emma Jean. I mean that,” he told her. “The world would be an infinitely better place if more people were like you.”

“You’re a sweet-talker,” she said, averting her eyes.

“I’m a truth-teller,” he corrected. He knew he was also a liar, but that was a conversation for another time. For now, he needed to earn her trust.

“So, where are you taking me?” she asked, changing the subject. “You said dinner and dessert, right?”

Rad laughed, “Actually, I said dinner in the desert.”

Her eyes went wide. “What? No. Really? Can we do that?”

“We can do anything we want,” he replied with a sparkle in his eye.

“Won’t it be dark? And hot?” she asked. “Where will we sit down? Are you taking me on some kind of weird night-hike? Is this a prank?”

“Trust me,” he said coolly. “I’ve got everything taken care of.”

He rolled down the windows a couple inches to let the breeze roll through. The shiny black car cut across Las Vegas and out into the desert, leaving the neon-hued civilization behind. The pair listened to music and breathed in the fresh desert air. Rad stole glimpses of his passenger-seat beauty while she gazed out the window, awed by the scenery, just as he was.

After nearly an hour of driving, the car’s headlights illuminated what appeared to be a tiny oasis in the midst of the red and gold desert landscape. There was a fancy camper RV set up with twinkling string lights, a small fire pit, two comfortable chairs, and a large cooler. Moody instrumental music played softly from inside the RV. It was the perfect date-night setup.

“Oh wow,” Emma Jean gasped. “This is beautiful, Rad.”

They stepped out of the car and approached the adorable campsite. There was no one else around for miles and miles, as far as the eye could see. Emma Jean took a full tour of the RV and the area, the smile never leaving her pretty face. Rad was on cloud nine just watching her enjoy herself. She finally took a seat as Rad brought out an elaborate charcuterie board from the same cafe where Emma Jean went for her matcha lattes. With every new revelation, she seemed to glow more with happiness.

“Oh my god. Rad, this is insane,” she gushed.