Page 18 of Lethal Enforcer

She thanked him with her eyes and rushed away without a word. The guys stared after her, looking slightly disappointed. But the leader was fixated on Luka now.

“Seriously, who do you work for, boy?” he asked.

Luka knelt down in front of him, making him feel like a child. He grabbed the man’s hands and squeezed them tight enough to cause some light cracking. The leader’s face went splotchy between his collar and his beanie. He was trying to pretend like he wasn’t in pain.

Luka leaned in close and growled, “I work for myself. I suggest you do the same. From now on, if you need anything, you can walk your asses up to the bar and ask for it. Themalebartender would be happy to make you another drink, if you think you boys can handle any more liquor without pissing your pants.”

He released the man’s hands, stepped back, and looked down at him. The leader was glaring up at him with pure venom, cradling his hands close to his chest.

“Now fuck off and have a fantastic night,” Luka said with a tight smile.

He turned and stalked away, leaving them to mutter among themselves. Luka’s whole body was buzzing as he approached the serving station. He wiped his hands on his pants, trying to remove the faint scent of cigarettes picked up from that idiot’s hands. Kira was waiting there with an adoring smile that made Luka feel ten times lighter.

“Thanks for that. I was drowning out there,” she said.

“Those guys crossed the line. I had to do something,” Luka said.

“Ugh. I’m so embarrassed,” she admitted, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“They’re the ones who should feel humiliated. Acting like a pack of immature pigs in a public place like this,” Luka quipped. “Talking to a woman that way.”

“So chivalrous of you,” Kira said playfully.

“I’m serious. That shit is unacceptable,” Luka said. “You deserve better.”

“You’re a good one, Mister, ah—” She cut herself off, wincing. “Um. So, you know my name is Kira. It’s on my nametag. But I don’t know your name. I feel like I should know it after that.”

Luka smiled. He moved a little closer. He could see the blush spread softly across her face. He wanted more than anything to touch it.

Instead, he said, “It’s Luka.”

Kira held out her hand for him, a little awkwardly, to shake. He took it.

“Thank you, Luka. I really appreciate you standing up for me tonight,” she said.

“You’re welcome, Kira. I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” he answered.

He let go of her hand and she turned away a little, trying to hide a giddy smile. “Well, hopefully you won’t have to. Maybe next time I won’t just freeze up.”

“You were trying to be a good waitress. You have the patience of a saint,” Luka said.

“Yeah, well, I do really need this job,” Kira sighed. “And this is the best place I’ve ever worked, for sure. I mean, you know. You work here, too, right?”

“What?” Luka deflected lightly.

“Come on, you don’t have to be all mysterious anymore. I know yournamenow, after all.” Kira laughed. “We’re practically married.”

Luka felt a kick in his chest.

Was it safe to let her in?

“You already told me you work in security. I bet you thought I’d forget, but I kind of remember everything you say to me,” she rambled on.

Could he tell her the truth? At least, a little part of it?

“I do security work. That’s true. And I do work here. But I’m not employed by the casino,” Luka confessed in an undertone.

“What company, then? Or are you, like, an independent contractor kind of thing?” she pressed him innocently.