She laughs, looking very pleased with herself. "There's more where that came from. I told Milly the pepperoni roll is a no-brainer," she says almost to herself.

"This is amazing, you're so talented."

"Thank you, I know," she says, not in a conceited way. It's more like she's stating facts.

I laugh softly, caught up in the happiness on her face at my obvious enjoyment of her labor. "Let's have dinner tomorrow," I say, suddenly not concerned about the stack of essays waiting at home for me.

"No, I think we should talk a bit first. Then maybe coffee?"

Okay then, no dinner. Yet, she's not opposed to seeing me. She must want to go slow. I can understand that. "Sounds good. So I'll text you tomorrow then?"

She nods and smiles that gorgeous smile at me again making my breath catch. "I'd like that."


I met a guy.An older green-eyed guy with lots of dark hair and a beard and questionable taste in women. Things like this don't happen to me. I don't meet men who tell me I'm beautiful and say I make them stupid.

I like it.

I don't know that I believe he'll really call today. After all, maybe he was drunk? Maybe he was just being nice so I'd let him hide in the kitchen with me? Maybe Theo is right and I'm neurotic and not able to see when good things come my way?

Nah. I'm fine.


My inner musings are cut short by the ringing of my phone. I answer it without looking at who it is, thinking it must be Theo.

"Babe, have you gone to the doctor yet?" A deep chuckle sounds over the line and sends tingles racing over my skin.

"Well, things are progressing quickly, aren't they?" Gus says, sounding amused, "I haven't gone to the doctor, no."

I snort. "I'm sorry. I didn't even look to see who was calling..." I'm so bad at this.

"It's okay. Are you waiting on someone else to call?" his tone is cautious.

"No, no. My best friend Theo, we talk about twelve times a day most of the time." I say, trying to beat back my nerves. He laughs softly.

"Ah, so you didn't think I'd actually call you." I can't exactly place his tone. Mad? Sad? Annoyed? Amused?

Have I mentioned I'm horrible at this?

"Um, maybe not..." I trail off. It was kind of crummy of me to think he wouldn't follow through.

"Well, I'm happy to prove you wrong."

"Sorry, my past experiences shouldn't reflect on you. I just met you." I'm rambling.



"It's ok. I get it."

"Ok." I let out a breath and lick my lips. "Thank you."

"No problem, tell me about being a caterer? Do you like it?"

"The cooking part, I love. The planning part I normally leave to Theo."