"More business! Pick it up!!"

"What if she thought of something she hated and forgot to tell me before?"

"Betty, honey, you're being crazy."

She might be right.

The phone rings for the third time and I answer it before it can go to voicemail. I'm both ecstatic and slightly nauseous at the possibilities. "Hello, Milly. How are you?" I say, trying to keep the neurotic waver out of my voice.

"Betty, my darling, I'm wonderful. How are you?"

My shoulders relax a bit and I grin, comforted by her even over the phone. It's crazy. I wish I had her magic. "I'm really good, Milly. Thanks for asking. What can I do for you?"

"Betty, I'm having a dinner party for my husband's coworkers next month, and I am hoping you're available to cater it." She pauses and I hold in a happy squeak. "It's on February 3rd, now I know that's not a lot of time, but you were so brilliant with the holiday party, I just know you can pull it off. What do you think, darling?"

"A dinner party for you on February 3rd," I repeat so Theo knows what's happening. "How many guests?" I ask.

"Oh yes, forgive me dear. For forty people."

"Forty people on the 3rd," I repeat again and Theo nods excitedly. "We can do that for you," I say.

"Oh, you're wonderful. Thank you so much, darling. When can you get together to discuss plans?"

"Let me just check my calendar," I say and Theo starts tapping away on the keyboard again.

"You have time to do a planning session on Thursday at 1," Theo says helpfully.

"I heard that," Milly says, "that will be perfect."

"Okay, fantastic. I'll see you then, Milly."

"Oh, one more thing before you go, darling. After this party, I'm going to cook for you and August. I'm so excited you two found one another."

"Aw, Milly, that is so sweet of you. You don't have to do that; I don't want you to go to any trouble on our account."

"You're dating my son, I insist," she says and the bottom drops out of my stomach.

"Y-your son?" I echo because clearly I heard her wrong.

Gus would've told me...

"Yes, my only child. I'm so happy you two met at my party. I was hoping you would if I'm being honest. You're exactly the kind of woman he needs in his life. And of course I could never tell him that..." I zone out, focusing instead on the concern on Theo's face, thinking of anything but the fact that Gus doesn't trust me.

Why else would he not tell me we were at his mother's house the night we met? Sure, not right away, but it's been almost seven weeks now and it hasn't come up?

That can't be a coincidence.


I miss Betty.

It's been a little over a day and already I feel like an addict looking for a fix. I might be pathetic. We're in the honeymoon phase still, I want to be with her all the time. Not just for sex, but just to be near her. To hear her laugh and see her smile and watch her do what she loves.

By the way, I've never been turned on by a woman who can cook before but seeing Betty in the kitchen turns me on like nothing else does.

Except when she's touching me.

Or looking at me.