"I'll call you tomorrow to set up our next date?" he asks, resting his hands on my hips.

I nod, "That sounds nice," I say, moving closer to him. Gus leans in and kisses me firmly. I go up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and letting my fingers play in his dark hair. He groans and pulls me even closer, squeezing my hips in his big hands and making the need already swirling inside me burn even hotter.

When we pull apart, both breathless and swollen lipped I let out a shuddering breath and say, "You're very good at that."

"I have a good partner." I blush and grin at him. "Okay, I'm saying goodnight before we start again."

He chuckles and grabs my chin gently, kissing me once more before he leaves.

* * *

"I'm telling you, Theo, you should see him," I say as I guide the lights around the branches closest to me. "Tall, I mean really tall, and broad with dark hair and green eyes.Green, Theo." I stop gushing long enough to accommodate Theo's resounding cough.

She's still not feeling well. It's been well over a week. I'm about to kidnap her and bring her to the doctor myself. She insisted on coming over today to help me decorate my Christmas tree.

"Green eyes," she croaks and coughs again. "Tell me more." She unwraps the ornament in her hand, "What was his name again?"

"Gus," I tell her, smiling just thinking about him. "He's nice. Very good kisser. Very good for my self-esteem. He's supposed to text me today about setting up another date."

She coughs again. "He sounds really interested in you."

"He does," I hedge. "I just don't want to get my hopes up too high."

"I get that, just don't psych yourself out." She coughs again and I cringe in sympathy.

"I won't. When are you going to see your doctor, Theodora?"

She groans. "I don't wanna."

I laugh despite myself.

"I know you don't want to but you have to. You're not getting any better."

"I can't be sick, we're too busy for that right now."

"Youaresick. There's no avoiding it now. You need to get to the doctor or I'm going to bring you myself. I'm not kidding."

She grumbles, "Fine. Fine."

"Thank you," I say and then she cuts in.

"On the condition that you give Gus arealchance. Seriously, Elizabeth, when was the last time you kissed a man? Enjoy it."

Ouch, she full first named me. "I didn't realize I was giving him a fake chance right now," I bluster. "I am enjoying him. I swear I am."

After all, I don't mean to self-sabotage but I know that I have in the past. She snorts but doesn't say a word.

"I'll do better," I mutter.

She snorts again. "I've heard that before."

"How did you turn this around on me, damn it?"

"I'm talented that way."

"Well if you don't call your doctor today, I'm doing it for you. Understood?"

She nods at me, "You deserve to be happy. And not all guys are like Tony the douchebag. Understood?"