Page 72 of A Valentino Reunion

“You know you have to be at the ceremony on Friday?” Enzo reminds me.

“I know. I’ll be there,” I tell him. I have two days, and I plan on keeping Kyla to myself for both of them.


“They did what?” I ask Liliana, who’s apparently just decided to return home.

“They got married. It was actually really beautiful,” she says.

“Beautiful? Running off and getting married isn’t beautiful, Liliana. Don’t ever think that it is,” I tell her.

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, Daddy. Travis is old school. He’d want the whole big wedding thing,” she says, and I scowl.

“I’m going to fucking kill him! Lucy, call our lawyers. That marriage will be annulled within the hour!” Dominic yells as he paces up and down the living room.

“We’re not doing that, Dom,” Lucy says, attempting to place a hand on his shoulder but he keeps moving. Dominic looks like a caged lion right now, ready to pounce on anyone. Ready to kill.

“Bee, we are not letting our eighteen-year-old daughter marry into the fucking mafia,” he growls.

“Actually, Lorenzo isn’t a made man yet,” Romeo says.

“Yet.But he will be. My daughter is the heir to not one but two billion-dollar empires. She doesn’t need to be mixed up with your family.”

“But it’s okay for me to do business with them?” Lucy counters.

“That’s different.” Dominic waves her off.

“It’s actually not, Dom. Lorenzo is a good guy. You know that.” Lucy tries to placate her husband.

“I don’t care if he’s a fucking saint. She’s fucking eighteen, Lucy. What is nobody understanding about that?” he hisses.

“I get it. I do. But eighteen is the legal age to consent to marriage. She hasn’t been forced into this.” This comes from Luca.

“If it helps, Lorenzo plans on moving to Melbourne, because he doesn’t want Kyla to have to move away from her family,” Enzo says.

“No, it doesn’t fucking help,” Dominic snaps.

“Okay, you need to calm down. Listen to me, Dominic. Because I swear to God, if you push our daughter away with this macho bullshit of yours, I’m going with her.” Lucy crosses her arms over her chest while giving her husband a look that says she’s not bluffing.

This gets his attention. Dominic stops in his tracks and his head snaps in her direction. I doubt Lucy has ever threatened to leave him before, because the look on his face is a mixture of pure rage and fear.

“Lucy…” Dominic starts and then stops. He walks over to his wife. “I can’t do this. I don’t… I can’t let her go off and ruin her life like this,” he says in a much calmer tone.

“What if she’s not? What if this is the start of the rest of her life? The rest of her long, happy life.”

“He’s not good enough for her,” he grinds out.

“Woah, what makes you think your daughter is good enough for my brother?” Aurora fires back.

Dominic ignores my niece’s outburst and focuses on his wife instead. “Lucy, we are her parents. We can’t let her do this.”

“We don’t have a choice, Dominic. She’s eighteen now. Which means you can either support her or she will walk away and you won’t see her. It’s your choice. I know what mine is.”

“Can’t I just kill him? It’d be the best option for everyone,” he says.

“Only if you want to sign the death certificates for your entire fucking family,” my father growls.

“Okay, this really isn’t helping. Stop with the death threats. No one is killing anyone. Dominic, what would you have done if your parents told you that you couldn’t be with Lucy?” Bray asks. Dominic is the only child of Bray’s younger sister.