Page 66 of A Valentino Reunion

She pulls me into a bathroom. “No, I guess they don’t.” She sighs. “What the hell is Lorenzo thinking? Kyla is eighteen. She’s not old enough to get married.” Savvy undoes the buttons on my shirt and pulls the sleeve down my arm.

“I would have married you the day you turned eighteen if you had let me.” I look at my arm in the mirror. A few stitches have come undone, but it’s not a big deal. My face, though? Mom was right. The fucker broke my fucking nose.

“What would you say if Aurora came home and said she was getting married?” Savvy asks me.

“I’d say good luck to the guy and tell him to sleep with one eye open.” I laugh.

Savvy turns on the faucet and wets a washcloth before wringing it out and bringing it to my face. “No, you wouldn’t.”

“It depends. If I knew that she had found her person, then I’d find a way to accept it. If it was just some douchebag who was this week’s thing, I’d lock her in a fucking cell until she came to her senses.”

“Do you think Lorenzo and Kyla are that person for each other?”

“You didn’t hear that girl when she called me thinking he was dead. They are definitely each other’s person.”

“I think they’ve always had a special connection. I just didn’t realize how serious they were about it.”

“Yeah, me neither,” I admit. “Pops knew. That’s why he took everyone’s weapons.”

“Your father is a smart man,” Savvy says. “Do you think we’re going to get past this? With Dom and Lucy, I mean?”

“Babe, it’s not the first time Dominic and I have come to blows. It’s just been a while. I’ve known him since we were kids, remember? Hopefully, his wife will talk some fucking sense into him.”

“Yeah, hopefully.”

Not even a minute later, there’s a knock at the door. I open it and find Lucy standing there. “Can you try to call Lorenzo? Kyla took off and she won’t answer my calls,” she says. “I’m hoping she’s at least with him and not out on her own somewhere.”

I take my phone out of my pocket and call Enzo, since he’s more likely to answer. When he doesn’t pick up, I dial Aurora, who sends me to voicemail. Which forces me to hit Lorenzo’s number in my contacts. “None of them are answering,” I say when that call rings out too.

“Well, I guess we can assume they’re all together then,” Lucy tells me.

“Yeah. I’ll be back.” I leave the bathroom and make my way to the dining room, where my brother is still seated with his wife. “Romeo, I need you to track the kids’ phones.”

“I can do it,” Dante says from behind me.


“Ican’t believe my dad tried to choke you,” Kyla says, running her fingers over my neck before she adds, “Actually, yes, I can. I told you this would happen.”

“You could have warned us you were going to make that announcement,” Enzo chimes in.

“That would have taken the surprise out of it,” I tell him.

“Yeah, meaning we could have prevented you from having the shit choked out of ya and probably Dad and Dominic coming to blows,” he says.

“What are we going to do?” Kyla asks me.

“We’re going to get married,” I tell her. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks, Kyla. There are two people in a marriage, you and me. That’s all that matters.” I take her hand. “Come here.” I pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her. “I love you,” I whisper into her ear.

“I love you too,” she says. “Okay, let’s do it. Right now. Let’s get married today.”

“Today?” I repeat.

“Yes. Why not? We can get married today, right?” she asks me.

“I can make it happen. But don’t you want to wait? Have your family there?”

“I want to be married to you. Like you said, a marriage is only two people. My dad is going to take a lifetime to come around to the idea of you and me, and I’m not waiting a lifetime, Lorenzo. I love you, and I want to be your wife,” she says.