Page 53 of A Valentino Reunion

“Heard from Savvy?” I ask him.

Matteo’s wife is going to string him up by his balls when we get back. Livvy might threaten to remove Romeo’s. Savvy, though? She’ll actually do it. The fact that Matteo does what he does for the family almost caused the two to never get together in the first place. His wife’s biggest fear was andstill islosing Matteo or any one of their children.

“No, I don’t need to check in with my wife every minute,” he huffs.

“Well, Katy says Livvy is pissed. Like World War III level pissed. Which has me thinking if Liv is that pissed, I’d pay to see what Savvy is going to do to you when we get back from this little adventure.”

“How the fuck do they even know what we’re doing here?” Theo chimes in.

“No idea. I don’t think they do. But we’re all here, and they’re not stupid, Theo,” I tell him.

His response is a grunt as he shoves his hands into his pockets and looks back down at the blueprints we’ve been going over. We’re about to storm this house and eradicate everyone inside it. From what I’ve gathered about these fuckers, they’re doing everything and anything to build a name for themselves. How they’ve gone this long without coming to our attention, I have no idea, but they have it now. And the attention of the Valentino or the Donatello family is not something anyone wants.

“Okay, you two are going in here with these ten,” Theo commands the room whenever he speaks. It’s not the first time I’ve watched him lead a team for a job, but now that he’s taking over and I’m going to be stepping up under him, I really fucking hope the fucker stays alive.Hisis not a job I want.

“Got it,” Romeo and I both say at the same time.

“Matteo and I will enter here, with five. Three are going through this window and then another four through the side.” Theo indicates each spot on the map as he calls it out.

“Got it.” Everyone nods in agreement.

“Stick to the plan and don’t shoot each other,” Theo says. “Let’s roll out.”

Twenty minutes later, we pull up in front of an old Roman mansion. They might be up-and-comers but they sure as fuck ain’t short of a dollar, or in this case a euro. Romeo and I lead ten men to the entry point we were assigned. From the very quick surveillance of the place we did, there should be fifteen guys inside. Three brothers and their small group of soldiers.

We don’t know who shot up the gelato shop, and it doesn’t matter. Because, when it comes to parasites like these, if you don’t take 'em all out, they just keep popping back up.

We all have Theo’s voice in our ears. On his count, everyone storms into the house. I have Romeo at my side and we move fluidly, like one unit. Each always knowing what the next step of the other is going to be. I have two guns raised when I turn the first corner. I find my target, pull the trigger, and my bullet lands right in the middle of his chest. I hear gunshots coming from all over the house, followed by our signal word as each room is checked and cleared out.

“Clear,” Romeo yells as we step over the body I just dropped to the floor.

We enter the next room. It’s completely empty, but the window’s open. Walking over to the sill, I spot someone legging it across the grass. Then he’s falling. One of our soldiers skirting the perimeter got him before the fucker got too far.

Not even five minutes later, we’re all meeting up in the middle of the house. Everything is quiet.

“We lost three,” Theo grits out.

It’s never good to hear you’ve lost one or a few of your guys. I look at each of my brothers and thank God that it wasn’t one of them. “There’s one man unaccounted for,” Romeo says.

“We’ll find him,” Matteo replies.

The unmistakable sound of a gun being shot rings out through the room. I look up the staircase, following the direction of the noise, and take aim. I get the fucking asshole in the leg. He points his gun at me and I fire off another three rounds. This time hitting him square in his chest. The gun drops from his hand, and then his body is toppling down the stairs. There’s something cathartic about watching their bodies drop as the life drains from their eyes.

I return my attention to my brothers. Everyone is quiet, but I noticed that Matteo is clutching his arm and then I see the blood seeping through his fingers. His eyes flick down before landing back on me.

“I think you’re right. There is definitely going to be World War III when we get home.” He smiles.

I nod my head. This is not going to go over well with his wife. With any of our wives really. “Might as well torch this place and get it over with then.”

“I want a final body count and be sure to ID them all. Then burn the place to the ground,” Theo says to one of the Valentino capos.

“You do know this stone isn’t going toburn to the ground, right?” Romeo says as we exit the building.

“Bulldoze the fucking thing then,” Theo grunts while holding his jacket over the bullet hole in Matteo’s arm.

“Stings a bit, don’t it?” I ask Matteo with a smirk.

“Like a fucking bitch,” he grinds out between clenched teeth.