Page 36 of A Valentino Reunion

“I’m not anyone’s, Lorenzo, especially not yours,” Kyla hisses.

“Really?” I look down at the way her chest rises and falls with each of her quickened breaths. I can see her pulse accelerating in her neck, and there’s a light flush creeping up her cheeks. “Tell me, Kyla, have you let anyone else touch you since I did?” I ask her, running my fingertips along the curve of her throat. “Do you really think anyone can touch you like I can?” I let my fingers trail down her arm, over her hands.

“Don’t,” she says.

“Don’t what?” I ask, sliding my hand under the hem of her skirt. “Don’t discover just how wet you are for me? I bet if I keep going, I’ll find your pussy dripping for me, won’t I, Kyla?”

“No, it’ll be as dry as the Sahara Desert,” she tells me.

I smile. “You’re fucking breathtaking, babe, even when you lie to me.” I bring my lips down onto hers, pushing my tongue inside when she gasps. My hand slides higher up her skirt.

Fuck, I should stop. Her parents are right inside. I shouldn’t be doing this out in the open, where anyone can see us. Not because I care if people know. I just don’t want to share her. Not when she looks like this, like a fucking angel sent to me from the sex gods.

My hand grazes over her panties. Pulling them aside, I slide my fingers right up the center of her wet lips. She’s fucking drenched, just like I thought she’d be. I push my tongue farther into her mouth. Then, out of nowhere, I feel her knee connect with my fucking thigh. I’m sure she was aiming for my balls.

Thank fuck she’s got shitty fucking aim.

Her hands land on my chest and she shoves me back, her head shaking from side to side. “No, I can’t. We can’t. Just. No, Lorenzo,” she says before running off towards the house.

What the fuck just happened? Fuck! I open my car door and jump in, my cock fucking hard as a rock. Then I pull out my phone.


This isn’t over, Kyla. You need to fucking talk to me. What the fuck was that?

Throwing the device onto the seat next to me, I start the ignition, pull out of the spot, and make my way down the driveway. I’m trying to think of what I did, what I said that freaked her out. That sent her running from me. I get that she’s not as experienced as I am, but I also know she’s not a fucking virgin. Not anymore. Because she gave that card over to me. At my birthday party. I knew caving in to my temptation wouldn’t end well. Because now that I’ve had her once, she’s all I fucking want.

I weave in and out of the crazy-as-fuck traffic, my eyes flicking to the side when my phone lights up on the seat next to me. I see her name flash across the screen. She’s calling me. I grab my cell and swipe over to answer it.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” she says.

“You didn’t,” I tell her.

“Lorenzo, I…”

Kyla’s words cut out when I hear the screeching of tires. I look up at the road and spin the wheel but it’s too late. I drop the phone as the vehicle in front of me hits me head-on. The sound of metal scraping metal echoes throughout the car’s interior. And then I hear her voice. She’s screaming out my name.


Ihold on to my wife as she sobs in my arms. I’ve never seen Savvy in so much pain, and I was with her when her mother died. She never cried like this. “It’s going to be okay,” I tell her. “He’s going to be okay.”

I am barely holding it together myself. The only reason I’m not falling apart right now is because of her, because of my other two children who are sitting on the hard plastic chairs across from me, each with silent tears running down their faces.

Lucy and Kyla McKinley are seated next to Savvy. Kyla was the one who called me. She was in hysterics. So much so that it took a minute to figure out what was going on. When I did, I had Romeo hack into the GPS on Lorenzo’s car to find out exactly where he was. By the time we got there, the paramedics had my son on a gurney and were putting him into the ambulance. He’s been back with doctors for the last half hour.

“He’s going to be okay. He’s a Valentino. He’s going to be fine,” I say again. I’m not sure who I’m telling.

Theo walks over, interrupting my mantra. He was talking to the woman at the nurses’ station. “The doctor will be out soon. He’s okay. He has a couple of broken bones, a few cuts and bruises but no major damage,” Theo says.

I peer up at my brother, thankful for him taking charge and getting the information. I wanted to break down the fucking doors to get back there, but Theo told me to sit with my wife and that he’d handle it.

Savvy jumps up and throws her arms around my brother. “Thank you,” she sobs against his shoulder. Theo wraps his arms around her and hugs her tight.

“He’s going to be okay, Savvy,” he tells her.

“I just… I can’t imagine…” She hiccups.

I reach out and pull her into my chest before addressing Theo myself. “Thank you.”