Page 61 of A Valentino Reunion

“Well, Holly here is my soul sister.” Neo shrugs.

“Nice try,” T tells him. “Don’t you have a granddaughter to go make sure isn’t setting fire to the house?”

“Mabilia wouldn’t set fire to the house,” Neo huffs.

“Just schools then?” T laughs.

We found out the reason Mabilia was expelled. Apparently, she lit up the science lab. She said the science teacher deserved to burn for calling her stupid. He didn’t burn, thank god, but the building sure did.

“One word, T,” Neo says. “Aurora.” His laughter follows him down the hall when he pivots on his heel and walks away.

“He has you there,” I tell my husband.

“Aurora is perfect,” T insists.

“When she’s asleep, maybe.” This comes from Dante, who just so happen to stroll through the front door with his mother in tow.

“I don’t even want to know. Reilly and Bray are almost here, so let’s pretend to be a normal family for at least a little bit,” I say.

“Think that ship sailed when you birthed four boys,” Livvy chimes in, and I grin.

“You’re probably right.”

Then I hear the sound of cars pulling up, and rush to the door. Dante opens it for me before I get there. I wait for everyone to pile out, and as soon as I spot my sister, I make a beeline for her. She must sense me coming because she immediately turns around to face me, and I almost collapse with relief when it’s clear that she recognizes who I am. I know I’m being ridiculous—of course, she’s not going to forget me this soon. It could take years, but that fear is going to be there every time I see her from now on.

I wonder how T would feel about spending the first few years of his retirement in Sydney. Maybe I should talk to him about it…?

My arms wrap around Reilly. “I’m so glad you’re here,” I tell her.

She returns my embrace. “Me too, but maybe lighten up on the hug, Holly. We’re not young anymore. You’re going to crack a rib or something,” she huffs.

“Shit, sorry. Are you okay?” I pull back and look her up and down.

“Don’t do that, Holly. This is why I wasn’t going to tell you,” she says. “I’m fine.”

“I’m sorry.” I fight to hold back the tears. But I’m a crier and my sister knows that.

“Do not cry. If you cry, your husband’s probably going to start shooting people.” Reilly laughs.

“Speaking of shooting, how is Matteo? I heard he got shot,” my niece says, coming up and pulling me into a hug. “Hey, Aunt Holly.”

“Hey, sweetheart. He’s okay. It was only his arm,” I tell Hope.

“Oh. My. God, he made it sound like it was going to be amputated.” She chuckles.

As much as Matteo tells me, Savvy, and Aurora that he’s okay, he tells everyone else that he’s seriously injured and almost died. That boy has always been the dramatic one out of the bunch. It’s no wonder Aurora is the way she is.

“Holly, how’re things?” Bray is next to greet me. He pulls me into a hug and I sink into his embrace. I can only imagine what he’s going through right now.

“Good, you?” I ask him. Reilly might be my twin sister, but she’s his wife.

“I’m good. I was promised some kick-ass whiskey. Lead me to it,” he says, walking up to T.

“Right. Come on in. It’s fucking hot out here,” T tells him.

Everyone files into the house. Hope’s twin sister is the first to speak up again. “Aunt Holly, this place is even bigger than your other one,” Lily says, stepping up next to me.

“This is the Donatello Palace. It’s bloody huge. Don’t be surprised if you get lost more than once,” I tell her.