As much as I love the idea of running into the Dutton family, there is no amount of money you could pay me to suffer a Montana winter.
Oh please, it’s not that cold.
I love you, but you are insane. I checked the temps this morning and it’s at least ten degrees colder there!
It’s worth it for the absolutely beautiful views we have from our living room.
Send me a picture and I’ll enjoy it from my cozy office.
You’re at work?! WTF, Gin, you’re supposed to be sitting on the couch and drinking hot toddy or whatever and enjoying the holidays.
I just…need to keep busy.
Three dots popped up and vanished, making Ginny wonder if her sister was going to ask a million questions about why she needed to ‘keep busy’. Instead of staring at her phone, she shoved it into the pocket of her jacket and walked towards her office.
Ever since her parents got divorced ten years ago, Ginny had been avoiding the holidays. In college, she would travel to visit her siblings in Portland, New York City or Missoula. When she started working, she would make plans with her friends. The last eight years working with Frankie, she’d used that as an excuse when her mother called to invite her for something special. It was hard being around her mother in the years after the divorce, especially when the truth aboutwhythey were splitting up came to light—Cyrus had been having multiple affairs and even knocked up one of the women.
Elsa Marie Thomas believed that her ex-husband, aka the sperm donor, would one day come back to her. Ginny knew that Cyrus was too busy fucking every woman that looked at him to ever go back home. So holidays became impossible. Her mother would spend the first two days in a happy bubble, then she would spiral into depression and cry from morning until she fell asleep about being abandoned by the love of her life. Her mother never remarried, holding onto the foolish hope that Cyrus would realize he’d made a mistake. While Cyrus went on to marry, impregnate and divorce three more women before finally vanishing off Ginny’s radar.
Avoiding her mother during the holidays and screening Cyrus’ calls was her form of self-care and a way to protect her peace.
The less she heard from him, the better.
Except her peace was being interrupted by the reappearance of a boy she never thought she’d see again. The last time she saw Gavin, he’d tossed a velvet box at her feet while Camilla teased Ginny for seducing another young man into her vagina. She’d kept the box for twelve years, but she’d never opened it. The look on Gavin’s face was imprinted on her brain for all of eternity. It was a combination of disappointment, betrayal and heartbreak.
She’d seen the same look on his face at Frankie’s Christmas party and it had stung all over again. While she had expected to run into Gavin at some point—Spencer was still her best friend, after all—that was not how she would have liked for it to go. Over the years, she’d asked Spencer if he knew what had gone wrong, but he never offered any information. The Rhodes brothers were close, so she was certain that Gavin had told them what went down, but she respected the fact that Spencer wasn’t betraying that secret. Even if she so desperately wanted to know what happened all those years ago.
However, she was surprised that Spencer hadn’t told Gavin she was in town.
Ginny knewwhyGavin had walked away, but she also felt like there was more to it than just seeing her with someone else. His reaction to her being at that party irritated her, because except for one time when their eyes met, Gavin ignored her the rest of the evening. Sure, Ginny could have approached him and they could have talked. But when he made it his mission to not be in the same space as her the whole night, she took the hint.
Another thing thatirritatedher about Gavin? How well he’d grown up. She’d always thought he was cute—shiny eyes, messy hair like he’d just rolled out of bed, wide smile—but the version she saw at the party was way hotter. He’d grown into his shoulders, his hair was longer and still ruffled like he didn’t bother combing it once he woke up, he’d grown a beard that framed his beautiful mouth and his eyes still pierced her soul.
Fuck him for being even more handsome and infuriating all at once.
Shit sorry, Gin. Rahul almost burned down the house while cooking.
Why do you need to keep busy? Are Amma and Cyrus harassing you again?
Ginny smiled at the texts from her sister as she sat down at her desk. Even though she was the last to learn about his infidelity, Ginny was the first to stop calling him ‘Dad’ and refer to him by his name. To say that hehatedhaving his favorite child call himCyrusinstead of theDaddyshe used when she was growing up was satisfying enough.