Page 14 of Almost Yours

She wasnevernervous. What the fuck was Gavin Rhodes doing to her?

“Blonde from earlier…oh, Bronte? She won’t care. She might interrogate me after you leave.”

“Oh.” Ginny fought back the sigh of relief and nodded. “Thought you two were together.”

Gavin frowned, still standing where he’d been minutes ago. Except now, his arms were crossed over his chest and the bulge of his biceps and the veins in his forearms were extremely distracting. Her eyes were drawn to the long fingers of one hand, tapping against his elbow. One thick wrist was adorned with faded friendship bracelets and she’d seen an Apple Watch wrapped around the other one. Her brain verykindlyreminded her of all the things he could do with those hands, the strength in them and the way he masterfully brought her to orgasm. Ginny’s clit throbbed and her knees wobbled slightly at the salacious memories.It’s notGavin, it’s just because he’s a hot human and I’m horny as fuck, Ginny convinced herself. She cleared her throat and moved away from Cedar to lean against the edge of the table to settle herself.

He sighed, like he was already tired of her presence. “What did you want to talk about?”

“Us.” The word came out strong, but on the inside, she was wobbly. Confrontation wasn’t her enemy, but in that situation, she was feeling so vulnerable.

“What about us?”

“Whathappenedto us?”

Gavin glared at her, eyes narrowing as he looked her up and down. This time it wasn’t one of appraisal, it was irritation. She could see the vein in his neck throb and clenched her fists to stop herself from attempting to lick it.What the fucking hell? You’re not here for that.Attractive people always got her panting, but she couldn’t let Gavin see the effect he had on her. Not yet anyway.

“Nothing happened to us, Nia.”

“Ginny,” she told him firmly.Niawas the little girl who thought her father was the best person in the world, the little girl who wanted to impress everyone in her family all the time.Niahad been a young and idealistic girl who didn’t know just how fucked up the world would be once she turned twenty.Niamight have been the girl who spent her summers fucking Gavin, but she wasn’t that person anymore.

“What happened to Nia?”

“She grew up,” Ginny snapped and saw him smirk. “What happened tous, Gavin?”

His smirk faded and Gavin adjusted his cap. “I caught you with someone else is what happened.”

Fuck, there’s the pinch. Her chest caved at the soft way he said the words. But instead of being nice about it, she said, “I rememberthat.”

His eyes met hers and Ginny was shocked by the anger in the gorgeous green staring back at her. “Seriously? That’s all you have to say?”

“You want me to…what, apologize?”

“Yes!” he roared, arms stretched out and Ginny frowned at him. “I was in love with you and you were fucking around with someone else.”

Oh, holy shit. What?Her heartbeat faltered and she stared at him. She knew that helikedher, after all that confession is what prompted them to sneak around. But love? While she’d spent all her time with Gavin, Ginny had never imagined that he would fall inlovewith her. How could he be in love with her when they were so young back then? What about her did he love? The questions kept firing through her brain and Ginny forced herself to breathe as she digested this information.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Gavin scoffed and took a few steps towards her before realizing what he was doing and came to a stop. “What good would that have done?”

“We could have talked about it.”

Which might not have happened, if she was being honest. Back then, Ginny and Gavin kissed, touched and fucked a lot. Sure, they talked and gossiped about the folks on Tybee, who was sleeping with who. But a lot of their conversations were about where they could sneak off to, reminders to buy condoms and what time he’d get off work.

“Right,” he said, face twisted in frustration. “So you could tell me that I was just an experiment? A fun time without worrying about the consequences.”

“Experiment? What consequences?” Now she was confused, but she made sure to keep her voice level, this was a beast she could not provoke. For one, they were in his place of work and his name was on the sign. Two, they were supposed totalk, not yell at each other.

“Me falling in love with you.”

Oh, come on!“That’s onyou, Gavin. I didn’t ask you to love me.”

She was impressed with how steady her voice was, because with every question, Gavin was moving closer. Sweat, water and Gavin’s natural scent—she’d try to identify it later—infiltrated her nose and Ginny swayed slightly.

“I bet you left a string of broken hearts on the island that summer.” If he was irritated before, Gavin was certainly outraged now. He kept his voice low, eyes burning into hers. “Youusedme as your summer plaything. You treated me like one of your fuck toys, didn’t you? I wanted to be perfect so the girl of my dreams would fucking enjoy herself. And what did you do once you got your fill? You fucked the next person.”

Her heart leaped at the fury in his voice and Ginny had to admit that she didn’t like this version of Gavin—he was practically a stranger, vibrating with rage. Anything she said next would only fuel his anger, so she stared back at him for a long moment.