Page 92 of Almost Yours

“We’re first going to talk about the fact that you knew my best friend was planning to propose and didn’t tell me.”

“It’s called a surprise for a reason.”

“I don’t need to be surprised.”

Ginny rolled her eyes. “But you were, weren’t you? And how good did that feel?”

Huffing, Gavin pushed off the door and took slow steps towards the bed. Ginny slid the covers aside, exposing her beautiful body and his cock twitched at the sight.

“Have you already planned the whole thing out?”

“Yup. Milo had some ideas, I had some thoughts and we hashed it out together,” Ginny explained, sitting up on her knees as Gavin stood at the foot of the bed. “He was really awkward at first, because of us? But then he got his shit together.”

“Does this mean I have to find another date to the wedding?”

She pretended to think about it, her hands tugging at the waistband of his boxers. “Only if you don’t want to see your next birthday.”

Chuckling, Gavin cupped Ginny’s face and tipped it up so he could press a kiss to her mouth. “Good thing I was going to ask you to be my date anyway.”

Ginny rolled her eyes and shut him up with a firm grip around his cock, stroking him fast as their soft kiss turned into something so much better.

* * *

The two weeks between Milo’s phone call and the wedding day went faster than Gavin would have liked. Because she was busy with the wedding, seeing Ginny became a game. Some days, Ginny would work out of the shelter and other times, he’d swing by her office with lunch or dinner. The craziest part was that she wasn’t even working on Milo and Frankie’s wedding, because most of the prep for that was complete. Ginny was bending over backward for some other clients.

In the middle of all this, two horses were dropped off at the shelter and signs of abuse and torture were evident. That sent Bronte into a tailspin and she was not willing to leave their side. Between her and Spencer, they got the horses back on their feet, but the recovery time would take even longer. And if Gavin was being honest, he was definitely thinking about reaching out to more ranches about adopting these horses to give them better homes. Or at least finding more help, because Bronte couldn’t do it all on her own.

So he provided shoulders to cry on and made sure that his brother helped in whatever way he could. Anything to make Bronte’s life easier. The only bright side was that Spencer hadfinallyconvinced Bronte to go home and spend the weekend in her apartment while the other staff took care of the horses. Which meant that Gavin could also attend Milo’s wedding without having to worry and stress about his friend the whole time.

He was in the middle of finishing up some paperwork when his phone rang. Gavin rummaged through the papers and smiled when the picture of Ginny scowling filled his screen. He swiped to answer and put her on speaker. “Hey you.”

“When are you getting here?”

Gavin looked at the time and winced. “I was hoping tonight, but it looks like I’ll only get in tomorrow morning. Everything okay?”

“I miss my cuddle buddy,” she whined and it made him smile.

“Aw, baby. I’m sorry. Getting Bronte out of here took forever and then another doctor came by to do more tests. They just left and I’m…you know what, none of that matters. I’ll do my best, okay?”

“No, it’s okay. You get here when you can and that’ll be enough. I’ll have a nice long soak tonight and be back on my feet tomorrow.”

He sighed, dropping into his chair to focus on the call instead of what he was supposed to be doing. “How did everything go today?”

“So good. I always complain about doing this kind of legwork, but it was so fun. Milo’s family continues to be awesome and the colors he picked look great in their backyard. I can’t wait for you to see it.”

She sounded so excited and proud of herself, and that’s all Gavin ever wanted. “I can’t wait to see it either. I’m also super impressed with how fast you put this together.”

“Well,” Ginny started, laughing on the other end and Gavin smiled, looking up as one of the volunteers handed him a package from UPS. “In case you didn’t know it, you’re dating one of the best event planners in the state. So putting this together? Easy peasy.”

“I can’t wait to celebrate with one of the best event planners in the state tomorrow,” he said, ripping open the package, a grin spreading across his mouth at the white box with the pink image. “Because I just got something that I think you’re going tolove.”

“Oh god, I can’t tell if that was sarcasm or not.”

“Not even a little. It’s going to be the best thing ever.”

There was a long pause and then Ginny huffed. “Now you’re just being mean. But fine. I shall wait patiently until you get here to see whatever this thing I’m going to love is.”

“I can’t wait to see you, Nia,” he said with a soft chuckle.