Page 24 of Almost Yours

Now Juniper looked excited, her smile lighting up her eyes. “Are you two working together on something?”

Fucking Spencer, he’ll pay for this. Ginny gave her best friend a ‘you’re so fucked’ smile before she felt her head move in a slow nod. Spencer closed his eyes and Noah looked worried, which only made her want to smack them both even more.

“That’s so wonderful! Can you tell me what it is or is it a surprise?” What came after excited? Because that’s the level Juniper was at right then.

Ginny opened her mouth to respond, when a deep voice spoke from behind her, “What’s a surprise?”

Her body tightened at the sound of his voice and Ginny closed her eyes. Of course that would be the moment when the new bane of her existence would show up. She heard the chair beside her scrape out and forced herself to breathe slowly as Gavin’s cedar and pine scent filled her senses.Why must he smell so good?

“Ginny was just telling us that the two of you are working on something together,” Juniper offered, glee laced in her voice.

“Did she now?”

Nodding slowly, Ginny opened her eyes and turned to focus on Gavin. The blue of his t-shirt brought out the green in his eyes and Ginny swallowed hard at the sight. Scruff hugged his jawline and his hair was in its usual ‘I just rolled out of bed’ mess. She wanted to look away, but she was captivated by the thunder in his eyes.

Finallytearing her gaze away, Ginny smiled at Juniper. “But I told Juniper that it was a surprise for them, so we probably shouldn’t talk about it here.”

“Yeah, let’s just enjoy dessert and then you two can talk shop,” Spencer said, meeting her eyes as he mouthedI’m so fucking sorry.

Ginny was still going to kill him later. But she was distracted by the way she felt Gavin’s eyes slide over her. When she turned to look at him, his attention was on his mother, his face transforming completely—his lips curled into the most beautiful smile and his green eyes cleared to a twinkle.



Just so you’re aware, Ginny’s here.


At the house, he means. She’s having lunch with us.


Spence invited her.


I will not apologize for that, she’s my best friend.


And mom is fucking over the moon about having her here.


So when you get here, please don’t be an asshole.


Yeah, especially since she looks pretty damn gorgeous.


Stop ogling my best friend.

Gavinvery rarely ever worked on Sunday, but when Bronte called him with an emergency animal issue, he’d dropped everything and driven straight to the shelter. In a way, he was glad for the distraction, because if he had shown up at the Rhodes house and seen Ginny there, he might have completely lost his mind. Seeing her on that date had made him angry and he couldn’t even figure out why. He’d taken Graham back to the shelter so he could pick up his truck, and the whole way his brother had interrogated him about his intentions with Ginny. Safe to say, it had been exhausting.

“What is going on with you two?”