Page 22 of Almost Yours

The only issue she had with this wedding was that Revati was definitely going to be a controlling bride. She’d showed up with her ‘dream wedding’ scrapbook that contained her primary and secondary color choices—there were six palettes each—the kind of outfits she wanted, the flowers she insisted would be best and the venues that would fit her dream. Since money wasn’t an issue for the couple, they wanted the most expensive of everything.

After working with nightmare brides at Knots & Crosses, Ginny knew how to navigate people the right way. But Frankie had made a smart decision when she drew up the contracts for Wildes Events + Weddings—she included a clause that stated the couple could ask for anything, but be understanding and accepting if the answer happened to be no. It was worded better, obviously, but it was important for couples to know that just because they had a dream, had the money and wanted it all things didn’t have to go the way they planned.

Sighing heavily, she shook her head and typed every minute detail into Party Central with the intention of spending the rest of the week fine-tuning their requirements.

“If you keep scowling, your face will get stuck that way,” a deep voice laced with amusement said.

“At least then all the women you’re hitting on won’t be so distracted by me,” she shot back as she made one last note and lifted her head to smile at Spencer standing in the doorway. “This is a nice surprise.”

“Had a house call in the neighborhood, thought I’d swing by and see if you’re up for lunch?”

“With my best friend? Always.” Ginny lowered her table back to the normal setting and then put all her things away, so nothing would be out of place.

She grabbed her bag and came around the table to wrap Spencer in a hug. Taller than Gavin, Spencer was built like one of those football players she saw on television. She’d also discovered early on that Spencer was the only one that inherited their mother’s light hair, which was now close cropped to reveal his darker roots. He squeezed her back and Ginny smiled as she inhaled the familiar scent of her best friend. While the Rhodes brothers were all dreamy as hell, they looked nothing alike. Noah and Graham had always been the rougher of the five, Simon was the charming flirt, Spencer the friendliest and Gavin, the quietest.

“All right, you’ve got some options,” Spencer told her, leading the way to the elevators. “There’s a new pizza truck parked a few blocks down.Or, we can be super boring and get our Cluck Cluck on.”

Ginny snorted at Spencer’s imitation of a chicken as they stepped into the elevator. Cluck Cluck was a fried chicken cafe that she loved. They had the best sauces and marinades. Her South Indian genes and well-seasoned palate craved the spiciness that came with their fried food. If she was ever invited to be onHot Ones, she would ace the wings challenge.

“I don’t need you shedding white boy tears over minimally spicy wings again, so we’ll get pizza.”

Spencer gasped dramatically, hand on his chest as they stepped out of the building and headed towards where the cafes and food trucks were set up. Not only had Frankie picked the best building and office space for the company, but she’d picked the best neighborhood. Restaurants, coffee shops and clothing stores littered their street. A park was located two blocks down and Ginny’s favorite lingerie store was just around the corner. She got to eat her favorite fried chicken for lunchandindulge in sexy underwear all in one day if she wanted.

As they stepped into line at the pizza truck, Spencer nudged her gently and asked, “Is everything okay at work? You looked like you were plotting murder.”

“Just the usual.” She smiled at him and turned to the short menu set up against the side of the truck. “But I do get to plan my first Indian wedding, so that’s exciting.”

“Yeah, you soundreallyexcited about it.”

Ginny snorted out a laugh and poked Spencer in the side. “I already know the bride is going to be a handful and I amnotlooking forward to that.”

“Just flash her the famous Ginny Glare and you’ll be fine.”

When she’d coined the term ‘Rhodes Shoulders’, Spencer had come up with ‘Nasty Nia’. Which had then evolved into the ‘Ginny Glare’ over the last few years. In short, her resting bitch face didn’t always get the memo that it was at full blast. And lots of people were often scared to approach her. Ginny liked it that way, because sometimes people were the worst and she didn’t have the patience for them.

“It’s my Plan B. I don’t want to scare away my first ever Indian clients just yet.”

Spencer chuckled and stepped forward in the line. “What about yourotherwork?”

Nodding, Ginny made a mental note to do some planning that evening when she got home. She had enough posts for that week, but the following one would require a new photoshoot and fresh content.

“Pretty good, actually. Got some lingerie brands showing interest.”

“I just started getting used to seeing you talking about sex toys, now I’ve got to brace for lingerie?”

Smirking at her best friend, Ginny stepped up to the order window and told the bored-looking gum-popping youngster what she wanted. Of all the people in her life, Spencer was the only one who knew about @GinLife. He’d stumbled across it one day and then rushed into her house to confront her about it. Ginny hadn’t gone out of her way to keep the whole thing a secret, she just wanted something that was hers. And she knew that if she told one person, they’d tell another person and before she knew it, her followers would be made up of her friends and family. @GinLife was about connecting with others who struggled and felt the way she did, not about talking to people who knew her.

As far as she knew, Spencer hadn’t told anybody else and none of her other friends had found their way to her profile. But it wouldn’t be like that forever.

“You could always just unfollow me, you know?”

“What kind of best friend would that make me? I’m all about supporting you however I can.”

Ginny smiled, giving Spencer’s arm a squeeze as another youngster handed their pizza and drinks through the service window. She found them a table and Spencer set everything down as they got comfortable.

“You deserve all of it, Gin. So fucking impressed with what you do.”

“Thanks, Spence. I didn’t think it’d get this big, but it’s been a lot of fun.” She picked up a slice and Spencer tapped his against hers before both of them bit into their food. They’d been cheersing their food for years now, it started totally by accident and they kept doing it. It didn’t matter if they were at a restaurant without prices on the menu or eating pizzas at a food truck, before they took their first bite, they’d cheers.