Page 7 of Vamp

Without looking back, I snatched up my clutch and started toward the exit, silently willing myself to keep a normal pace when my body wanted to break into a sprint. It wasn’t until I pushed through the heavy doors that led from the ballroom into the quiet lobby beyond that I was able to release the breath I’d been holding captive in my lungs. On a heavy exhale, my stiff shoulders and rigid spine loosened, bit by bit.

The sharp point of my heels clicked against the tiled floor that had been buffed to a beautiful shine, the sound reverberating through the otherwise empty space. I spotted a door right beyond the corridor, across from the ballroom, that led out onto a veranda overlooking the hotel’s gardens.

The sun had gone down hours ago, painting the sky a dark midnight, but the moon was full, looking much bigger in the midnight blue sky than I’d seen in a long time. The icy white glow cast just enough light on grounds below that I could make out the shadows of the waist-high hedges below, trimmed and cultivated to create paths through the extensive gardens.

Asher and Owen really had picked the most beautiful place to have their wedding. A lux mountain resort and hotel tucked into the surrounding woods. Not only did the place know how to throw a kickass wedding, but it also boasted a five-star spa that, after the facial and hour-long massage I’d gotten earlier that morning with Asher and the rest of the bridal party, I could attest more than lived up to the hype.

Unfortunately, the calm that Greta had managed to rub into me as she worked my muscles loose was long gone now, all thanks to one stupid song.

I rested my hands on the thick concrete ledge of the veranda and pulled in a deep breath, filling my lungs with that fresh, clean mountain air. I pressed my palms harder against the ledge, the grit from the rough material pricking at my skin and helping my mind focus on the present instead of the past. That belonged locked deep in the very back of my mind, stuffed in a padlocked, impenetrable box.

I filled my lungs again to bursting, counting to ten as I slowly let it out. “Back in the box,” I whispered to myself. “Shove his ass back in the box where it belongs.”

In ten years I’d gottenreallygood at pretending Roan Blackwell didn’t exist, so when the reminder of him cropped up in my small, well-insulated world, it was a serious blow. But I’d also gotten really good and putting myself back together and moving forward, as I was determined to do, damn it.

Roan Blackwell didn’t exist and I wasn’t in a sex slump because I was rethinking my strict rule on monogamy. I just needed a reset, that was all.

There was an 8K happening to raise money for the local group home in Hope Valley, and maybe training for that would get my head back in the game.

My shoulders straightened and the tension in my chest finally started to loosen. And with my renewed faith that this was going to work, I turned on my heel and strutted back into my friend’s wedding, determined to put that minor episode out of my head for good.



Hope Valley, Virginia was nothing like I’d expected as I turned my truck off the highway and followed the navigation system’s instructions through the farmland and ranches along the outskirts to the very heart of downtown.

The small-town vibe was strong as hell. Tucked deep in the mountain valley, Hope Valley looked like a Thomas Kinkade painting come to life. The farther I drove, the more I could understand why Lincoln would set up his operation in a place like this, what with its gorgeous town square complete with its own gazebo and clocktower.

It was close enough to the bigger cities to keep him and his guys more than busy enough while still being separate from the drama that came with living in a large population. It was the best of both worlds and surrounded by beauty from every direction.

The robotic voice from the truck’s navigation system came through the speakers, guiding me to another street just a few blocks from what appeared to be the main drag through downtown.

The Valley Inn, the only hotel in this tiny town, was a well-maintained Victorian that looked to have been converted from a single-family home. The drive and front walkway were made of crushed white pebbles, leading to a well-manicured lawn and garden full of deep greens and colorful flowers. Giant mossy oaks that had to have been planted around the time the historic building had been built bookended the structure, the massive limbs reaching well past the peak of the turret on top of the third story.

I’d counted myself lucky that the place hadn’t been fully booked when I called to make a reservation, but looking at it now, I felt lucky just to be staying in a place as stunning as the Valley Inn. As I walked up the five wooden steps onto the massive wrap-around porch, I could practically feel the place’s rich history.

So far, Hope Valley had been a pleasant surprise full of promise. I just hoped my main reason for being here turned out to be as promising as the rest of the town.

On that thought, I grabbed the antique brass handle and twisted, pushing the door open. The inside of the inn was as nice a surprise as the outside, with deep wine-colored carpets and rich, dark wood on the banister of the curved staircase and reception desk.

The walls on either side of the tall windows had picture-frame molding and were painted a deep green that somehow went perfectly with the wood and carpet, as well as the brass accents like the wall sconces, without making the place look dated and stuffy. It all worked, and it workeddamnwell.

The furniture in the small lobby/living area was buttery leather in colors that reminded me of cognac and tobacco, and even without sitting on them, I knew they were comfortable enough you’d want to kick your feet up and stay a while.

“Hi. Can I help y—oh my god.” The girl at the front desk dropped her jaw and her eyes bugged so wide I worried they were going to pop out on the wooden ledge in front of her. “Oh mygod! You’re—you—you’re him! I mean, he’s you.” She clamped her mouth shut and shook her head like she was trying to get her thoughts together. “I mean you’re Roan. Roan Blackwell. Right?”

I sent a silent thank you out to the universe that the lobby was empty at the moment. I had a feeling if word got out so soon about my arrival my cover would be good and blown, and for this to work, I needed anonymity for as long as possible.

I stepped closer to the front desk, dropping my duffle bag on the ground beside my boots. I rested my forearms on the credenza and gave the girl who looked to be no older than twenty my most charmingaw-shuckssmile. That smile hadn’t failed me yet, and I could only hope my luck held through this encounter.

“Yeah, that’s me,” I started, then lowered my voice and leaned in like we were sharing a secret. “But I’d really love to keep it quiet that I’m in town. At least for a little while longer. You understand. Think you could keep it between us?”

Her eyes widened even more, her lips parting on a gust of breath. “Oh yeah,” she whispered conspiratorially. “For sure! Your secret’s totally safe with me.”

She mimed zipping her lips and locking them tight before tossing the imaginary key over her shoulder.

A chuckle resonated through my chest at the gesture. Usually I would have been in the middle of a silent freak-out about now, but there was something about her expression that put me at ease. She just seemed so damn sincere.