Page 8 of Sweet Spot

His grin said he wasn’t concerned in the slightest, and I didn’t have a single doubt that my bonus this year would actually be double, because that was the kind of boss he was. Not only boss, friend. “Just goes to show you’re off your game if you didn’t think I already knew I’d have to buy your affection and respect this holiday season. I’ve been squirreling money away since New Year’s.”

I shot him a dark grin. “And they say you’re nothing but a pretty face.”

He shook his head good-naturedly. “So, you going to tell me who pissed in your Cheerios this morning or just keep beating the hell out of the office equipment?”

Jase Hyland was like a dog with a freaking bone when he wanted to be, and considering how well we knew each other, he tended to behave like an overprotective older brother at times. Thankfully my computer dinged, a meeting reminder popping up in the corner of the screen.

“Sorry,” I said with a fake wince. “You’ve got that meeting with Scott Sutter from Sutter Industries in five minutes. You should probably get ready. In your own office. Away from mine.”

He arched a brow and tapped his chin while he studied me with a thoughtful, expression on his face. I didn’t realize I’d been holding my breath until he let out a sigh and stood from his seat.

“All right. But you know I’m here if you ever need to talk, right?” The humor that had been in his eyes earlier was replaced with concern. Like I said, overprotective big brother.

I smiled with appreciation. “I know. But I’m good. Now get out of my office and go make us a ridiculous amount of money.”

The moment the door snicked shut behind him, I pulled my phone out and shot off a text.

Me:I don’t know about you, but I could use a bit of centering. Feel like going to yoga with me tonight?

I chewed on my bottom lip, waiting for Gage to reply.

Viking:Not a chance in hell. If I need to center myself I’ll have a drink and jerk off in the shower.

I blinked. All of a sudden the image of Gage standing naked under the spray of his shower as he pumped his dick in his fist popped into my head out of nowhere. For some inexplicable reason, that mental picture sent a bolt of electricity through my body, waking up parts that had been dormant in recent months.

I was well aware of just how attractive my friend was. I mean, you would have had to be completely blind not to notice his appeal.

After all, there was a very good reason my nickname for him was Viking. Apparently, years of serving our country hadseriouslydone his body good. He had a penchant for faded jeans and T-shirts that hugged his muscular frame to perfection. Not only was he built like a brick shithouse, but he wastall. Something I appreciated. I was petite, at least a good two inches shorter than all my other girlfriends, so Gage towered over me. There was something about being around him that made me feel safe. Like he could protect me simply by picking me up, tossing me over his shoulder, and carrying me to safety.

All of that, along with the messy dark blond hair that always looked like it was two weeks past needing a trim, the scruff that lined a square marble jaw, and distinctly masculine cheekbones and nose, made him look like he belonged at the front of a Viking longship, commanding his beefed-up horde of marauders to row their way out of a wicked thunderstorm in the middle of an angry sea.

And I might have been reading a bit too much of a very specific kind of romance recently.

But even though I knew he was attractive as hell, I’d never thought of him likethatbefore. Since the start of our friendship, I’d been in a relationship, and even though it had been long distance, Darrin had still been the only one for me. Too bad my other half hadn’t felt the same damn way.

After the breakup, I wasn’t exactly in the headspace to think about other men. I’d been sad, then angry, then sad again, then determined to live my life as a spinster with a bazillion cats. I hadn’t exactly been very pro-guy lately, so the extremely potent response my body was having right then was unexpected, to say the least.

A tingle stretched from my nipples all the way to between my thighs, and I had to clench my legs together against the dull pulsing beat in my core.

I shook my head, trying to rid it of the scene that had stretched from Gage in the shower to a dripping wet Gage walking naked to his bedroom. This feeling wasn’t about him. It couldn’t be. There was a logical explanation for why, after an embarrassingly long dry spell, I suddenly felt my libido wake up from hibernation and shift straight into overdrive.

I needed sex.

Simple as that.

I needed rough, raw, dirty sex, complete with hair pulling, spanking, and maybe a little light breath play if I was feeling particularly adventurous.

Crap. Thinking like that sure as hell wasn’t doing anything to temper the heartbeat I was currently feeling down in my lady parts.

Geography had been a bit of a clam jammer over the past few years, even if that son of a bitch Darrin hadn’t had the same issue. Then there was the aforementioned vow of celibacy over recent months. I counted back silently to the last time I’d gotten laid and wincedhardonce I’d passed the twelve-month mark.

Holy shit!I hadn’t had sex in over a year?

God, that was pathetic. It was shocking things hadn’t grown back down there.

On that sad thought, I picked up my mug and sipped, letting out ablechat the now cold coffee.

Freaking Mondays.