Page 43 of Sweet Spot

“I know the feeling.”

“You know, you guys are welcome at our place whenever the mood strikes. I know things are a bit crowded with my family in town as well, but I’ve been thinking of expanding a bit. Maybe building a guest house or something on the property.”

Until that moment, it had only been a random thought I’d given a few minutes of consideration to, but now that I’d said it out loud, I actually liked the idea. Once I got Wynn on board with making us a permanent thing, we’d need to make room for both our families. And if she wanted to have kids, we’d need even more space. I had plenty of land to build on, so if that was something she was down with, I’d get right on it.

“What are your intentions with my baby girl?” he asked, getting right down to brass tacks.

I turned to face him, giving him all my attention. “To make her happy, Greg,” I answered. It was probably the most honest thing I’d ever spoken aloud. “I intend to make her happy. That’s all.”

He studied me so closely I felt like a specimen under a microscope. “And what makes you think you’re more qualified to do that than any of the other guys she’s dated?”

I arched a single brow. “You mean besides the fact they’re all fucking morons for losing her?” At my question, that mask he’d been wearing cracked for the first time. His mouth wiggled under the pressure of keeping his smile at bay. “I think I’ve gotten to know your daughter pretty well, sir. Most days it feels like I know what she’s thinking better than I know what’s going on in my own head. The two of us are a team. She makes me better in every single way, and I only hope I give her even half of that back. But mostly, I think I’m better qualified than all the assholes that came before me because I know what I have, and I don’t intend to lose it. I’d cut off my own arm before I ever did anything to hurt her. If it came down to my life or hers, it’s hers. Every. Single. Time.”

Silence enveloped us, the sounds of the party beyond muffling as I waited, breath stalled, to see how he’d react.

Finally, he put me out of my misery. With a grin, he clapped me on my shoulder, hard enough to jostle me and show his strength—just to be on the safe side. “You’re a good man, Gage. Thought so since the moment I first met you, and I’m glad my daughter picked you.”

She hadn’t, at least not fully. At least not yet. But I would get her there. So help me God.

“And you’re right. The rest of those guys were losers.” He curled his top lip in disgust. “Especially that last one.”

“Only reason I didn’t destroy that fucker’s life after what he did to her was because she asked me not to waste my time. Still regret telling her my plans and letting her talk me out of it, though. It would have been damn fun to take everything from that son of a bitch.”

Wynn joined us as her father’s head fell back on a deep, rumbling belly laugh. “Uh, everything okay over here, guys?”

Greg reached out and looped his arm around his daughter’s shoulders, pulling her into him for a sideways hug. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when he bent to place a kiss on her forehead. She really did miss her parents, and that look on her face sealed my decision to build on to what we already had so our families could visit whenever they wanted to. I pictured big family holidays full of laughter and sass from Wynn and her mom, as well as Gran. It would be a hell of a lot of fun.

“Everything over here is great, punk,” he assured her. “I’m having a heart-to-heart with your fella.” He gave her another squeeze, looking down at her with so much affection it made my heart swell. “You picked good, sweetheart. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” she said quietly, her violet eyes growing glassy.

He gave her one last hug before letting her go. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go see what your mom’s up to.”

“Oh, she and Grandma Buttons are talking about starting a conga line. She’s trying to find out who’s in charge of the music so she can get them to play Quad City DJ’s ‘C’Mon ’N Ride It.’”

I was in the middle of laughing as Greg’s head fell back. “Dear Lord, deliver me from my crazy-ass wife,” he lamented to the darkened night sky before walking away.

Wynn giggled as she watched him go. When he reached Annabelle’s side, hooking his arm around his wife’s waist affectionately, my girl pulled her gaze from them and looked up at me, her smile so goddamn brilliant it lit up the night.

“My folks are crazy.”

“Sure as hell are,” I agreed teasingly. “But my family’s pretty nuts too, so we all fit.”

She blinked, her lids only going to half-mast when she opened them, that beautiful deep purple going a bit hazy as her gaze traveled down to my mouth. My dick started to swell behind my fly as her tongue peeked out and swiped across her lips, making the dampness shine beneath the Edison bulbs hanging all around us.

“Um...” She blinked herself out of the haze she’d fallen into, but I was still fighting a very hard, verypublicerection. “You sure everything’s good with my dad? I can go over there and give him an earful if he hurt your feelings.” She grinned teasingly, and I couldn’t keep myself from doing what I wanted to do and leaned down to kiss her. I hadn’t meant for it to get so heated, for it to turn so damn hungry, but I’d been walking around in a constant state of arousal since that very first kiss in the coffee shop, and I couldn’t fucking take it anymore. Having her in my bed the past two weeks and not being able to touch her the way I wanted had been a battle of wills, and the moment my lips came down on hers, I officially lost.

Her needy whimper was like fuel thrown on the fire raging inside me. With one arm I held her to me so tightly not even light could get between us, and with the other, I tangled my fingers in her hair, forcing her head back so I had better access to her mouth. Her lips parted on a gasp, and I dove in, unable to wait another goddamn second to taste her. My tongue plundered, devoured, tangled with hers in a kiss that blew my fucking mind and rocked my world right off its axis.

Her nails dug into my shoulders, clinging to me as she lifted up on her toes to get closer. She met me, stroke for stroke, greedily taking what I was giving. I was so lost in her, in taking this little piece that only drove me to crave more, that I’d completely lost track of where we were and who we were with.

That was, until our friends and family started catcalling and wolf whistling like crazy.

Wynn pulled back on a sharp gasp. She lowered onto her feet, her eyes wide and glazed over. Her lips were swollen, her cheeks flushed. And I couldn’t stand it for another goddamn second.

A growl worked its way from my chest before I clipped, “Fuck it.” Then I grabbed her hand, locking my grip around her delicate fingers, and started inside Farah and Cannon’s house.

I was officially done with this game.