Page 21 of Sweet Spot

I whipped my head around and way up to look at Gage with wide, bewildered eyes. He met my gaze, silently communicating with only a simple look. And just like that, the haze of lust that had been coursing through me dried up faster than a single drop of water on a burning hot cast iron skillet. In its place was a white-hot rage that narrowed my focus, tunnel vision setting in on the woman standing in front of us. The one who clearly woke up earlier than necessary in order to doll herself up for a simple coffee run.


I recognized her then. Gage’s ex was the nasty, bitchy woman from the grocery store the night before.

It might have taken me a moment to get with the game, for that request tojust go with itto fully sink in, but I was here now, and I wasready to play. I looped my arm around Gage’s waist and tucked my hand firmly in the back pocket of his well-worn jeans while I twisted and pressed deeper into him, placing my other hand on his stomach. I felt some of the tension melt away from his body as soon as I snuggled into him.

I blamed what I said next on the rage still running hard and fast through my veins like a mountain stream after a thaw. I couldn’t believe this bitch had the audacity to invade Gage’s home. It made me want to leap forward and claw her eyes out, but that wasn’t an option, so I decided the next best thing was to lean into my role.

“I’d say I’m a lot more than justyour girl, Viking. Wouldn’t you? I mean, we are engaged, after all.”



Well,I’d really stepped in it this time.

I paced back and forth across Gage’s living room as I tried to wrap my head around what I’d done.

As soon as I blurted out that he and I were engaged, the coffee shop exploded into a flurry of activity. Gage and I were pulled into hugs from all sides, being passed around like a collection plate on Sunday morning for well wishes and congratulations. People muttered “I knew it” and “Just a matter of time” while others pulled out their phones and started making calls.

Vanessa had all but been forgotten in the melee, and as soon as there was a break in the crowd, Gage had snatched up our coffees and pulled me out the door. Now we were at his house, the safest place to be—on the outskirts of town—as news of our impending nuptials blew the fuck up.

Freaking small towns. It was only a matter of time before this juicy bit of gossip worked its way through the grapevine. I knew it had already made it to our friends because my phone had started blowing up on the drive here and had yet to stop.

I paused in my pacing and looked toward my purse on the kitchen counter when it began to ring for the millionth time. I waited for whichever friend it was to hang up or leave another voicemail before turning to Gage, sitting at the end of his couch. He had one booted ankle resting on his opposite knee, and a long, strong arm stretched across the back. He braced his chin in his other hand, his index finger dragging back and forth across his bottom lip in thought as he watched me closely, like he was waiting for me to detonate or something.

“How can you be so casual right now?” I snapped shrilly, throwing my arms up at my sides in a dramatic arc.

“I just figured you were frantic enough for both of us. Figured I’d let you take the spotlight for a few more minutes.”

I jabbed a finger at him accusingly. “This is your fault, you know. You blew my freaking mind to smithereens with that kiss. Also, you’re the one who said I wasn’t allowed to beat her ass. When you hobble me like that, crazy shit happens,” I squeaked manically. “If I’d been allowed to punch Bitchy Barbie in the face, this wouldn’t have happened—and why are you smiling?”

The jerk had the nerve to chuckle just then. “So that kiss blew your mind, huh?”

Oh for the love of— I slammed my hands down on my hips and hit him with my most vicious glare. “That’s what you took away out of everything I just said?”

Gage held his hands up in surrender, not even bothering to try to hide his shit-eating grin. “Hey, I’m a dude. We tend to have one-track minds most of the time. So on a scale from one to ten, how would you have rated that kiss?”

It was a twenty, easily. But I wasn’t about to admit that. Instead, I snatched up one of the throw pillows on his couch—one I’d bought for him because I felt like his place needed a little life—and smacked him in the face with it. Just as my phone started to ring again.

I pointed in the direction of my purse. “You know those are our friends blowing up my phone right now.”

On a sigh, he dropped his foot to the ground and leaned forward, hands clasped together with his forearms braced on his thigh. “Just do what I did and put it on silent. Or, hell, turn it off. At least until we figure out how we’re going to play this.”

My feet rooted to the ground. “How we’re going to play this?”

He scooted to the very edge of the couch so he could reach out and grab me by my wrist. My skin lit up at the simple touch, electricity crackling beneath my skin and fizzing through my blood as he guided me to the couch so I was sitting down. “First off, just take a moment to breathe. You haven’t had much of a chance since you got to the coffee shop.”

I did as he said, sucking in a breath and heaving it out. Then I remembered my coffee he’d ordered. Snatching it off the coffee table, I gripped it with both hands and drank deep. It had gone lukewarm during my freak-out, but it still tasted delicious. And the jolt of caffeine was just what I needed.

I took three big gulps and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before meeting Gage’s intent gaze.

He raised a single brow as he studied me. “Feel better?”

“Getting there. Be better if there was bourbon in here, though.”

His face wrinkled up in disgust. “Not sure how good that would taste mixed with that melted down cup of sugar you got there.”