“Now, I just feel empty and wrong.”
I smile at that and kiss him before grabbing more lube and slicking my cock, notching the head at his hole and waiting. “Just breathe and let me in.”
He gives one quick determined nod, and I press the head of my cock inside, pressing through that first ring of the tightest muscle in the damn world. I nearly embarrass myself right then and come, but I gain control.
Still, even if I did come, I know he wouldn’t mind. He wouldn’t mock me or be mad at me. He’d just kiss me, and we’d move to the next step.
But I want to know what it’s like to be seated deep inside him, so I’m grateful when I gain composure and inch in until I’m buried to the hilt. I look at Adam and see that, of course, he’s watching me.
Always watching me.
I kiss him softly and start to move. His hands slide to my back, and he holds on. His erection that had flagged is now going strong between us, flushed and leaking, but I know him.
He’ll wait until I’ve come. He always does. He seems to need that to take his own pleasure.
“You feel so damn good, Adam. Jesus fuck. I knew it would be good, but this?”
“Yes.” His head falls back, but his eyes are still on me. “Please come. I want to feel it. I need to feel it.”
I sit back, moving a little faster inside him and loving when his hands move to my front, dragging over my stomach as I push inside of him over and over. “I’m close.”
“Yes,” he groans deeply, the rumble of his voice spreading through my entire body.
“I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much,” I say, feeling my balls pull up tight and that tingle going down my spine until I’m coming deep inside him, leaning forward and biting into his shoulder as I ride every wave of pleasure.
I’m still trying to catch my breath while I very carefully pull out of his body and move to position his cock at my waiting hole. He presses forward slowly, giving my body time to adjust. When I finally catch my breath, I start to ride him with vigor, needing to see him come.
He holds onto my hips as his cock slides in and out of me, his nails digging deliciously into my skin. My cock is spent as I ride him, and I relish every single smooth glide he makes into my body, and soon he’s coming inside me too.
He’s content when I climb off him and lie next to him, my head on his chest as he strokes my back.
We don’t say anything.
We don’t really need to.
No matter what the world throws at us. No matter what we need to overcome... At the end of the day, it’s just us.
Zach and Adam.
Graduation is coming up fast, and damn, am I in a good mood as I walk the halls of the high school after school. I had a meeting with my algebra teacher for some extra credit, so Adam is already home. But I’m heading there now, and I cannot wait.
I think I’m actually whistling when I make it out to the parking lot. But I come to a dead stop when I see Chloe walking toward her car.
I haven’t talked to her in so damn long, and we haven’t had any more altercations since Homecoming. But I don’t really want to fight with her now. I still hate the look of pain on her face when she looks over at me though.
“What the hell are you so happy about?”
Yup, she’s still really angry. And she has every right to be. I wince and shake my head, trying to make it to my truck, but she cuts me off. It’s warm out, but she’s wearing her Kensley Panther black hoodie. Her eyes, lined with black, are fiercely stuck on me.
“Answer me.”
“Chloe...” I start, but I don’t know what to say. A lot of people know about Adam and me, but no one at school does. No one who will ever say a thing.