Page 67 of Protector

I think I just fell even more in love with him.

I brush a hand over his cheek and then lean in and kiss him softly. “You’re incredible.”

He looks surprised by that as he pulls back. “No. I’m not. She just looked so lost and alone, and she’s having a baby all on her own.”

“She’s what?” I gape at him, and he looks horrified.

“Oh shit. I shouldn’t have said that. I mean, she didn’t tell me to keep it quiet, but still. Damn it.”

“She’s pregnant?”

He nods his head, “Yeah.”

I don’t like Chloe. I mean, how could I after the way she treated Zach? But I still don’t want her to suffer. “Is she keeping it?”

He nods and then pulls me over to the bed, where we sit side by side, but he holds my hand in his. “Yeah. She seems oddly at peace with that decision. I think she’s already in love.”

“Huh,” is all I can really say, and he leans his head on my shoulder.

I send my mom a text to let her know we might have an extra person for dinner, and we do our homework before I see headlights approach the camper. My heart thunders in my chest, hoping like hell she doesn’t go crazy on us and light the camper on fire or something. But when Zach lets her into the small camper, I’m greeted with an honest-to-God smile from her.

“Chloe.” I nod my head in greeting.

“Hi, Adam.” She stands by the door, waving at me but looks kind of meek and small, wearing an oversized hoodie that goes down to her knees.

“Come in. Sit.” Zach motions toward the bed, and we both take the kitchen table booth. She sits down and eyes us warily.

“Um, Mom said dinner will be done soon.” She wasn’t thrilled about having such a late dinner, but when I explained to her Chloe had to wait for her mom to get home, Mom softened a bit.

“You didn’t have to invite me to dinner,” she says, playing with the hem of her sweatshirt, and damn it, I feel sorry for her. Her eyes lift, and they land on me, shiny and full of sorrow. “I’m sorry for being so awful. I just...”

“I was awful to you,” Zach cuts in, and I want to argue, but I don’t.

“No,” Chloe does instead. “You were good to me, Zach. Really good. You made me feel safe and wanted for so long. I was so upset when you broke up with me because I thought you were my one chance to be happy.”

Zach looks distraught, and without thinking, I reach out and grab his hand to squeeze it. Chloe’s eyes dart to our hands, but instead of pulling away from me, Zach only tightens the hold.

“Chloe, I couldn’t be that for you because I’m gay.” He meets her eyes, and I watch as Chloe’s gaze transforms into complete shock.

“You’re...”—her eyes widen more, but she doesn’t look like she’s about to lash out— “gay.” She says it quietly, and then it’s like something clicks inside her, and her eyes move to me. “You two are together.”

We both nod, even though it wasn’t a question. But it surprises me when she smiles at that and then shakes her head.

“That makes sense.” She looks at Zach, her smile still in place. “You never looked at me like you looked at him.”

Zach looks a little bashful now, but he just squeezes my hand again. “I’ve been in love with him since I can remember. I’m so sorry, Chloe. If I could have loved you like that, I think I would have. It had nothing to do with you.”

She smiles, and I swear, she looks at peace. Then I notice she’s rubbing her belly fondly, and Zach and I share a look when she says, “I think... I get that now. The unconditional love thing. I have no idea if this baby will love me, but I know I love him.”

“Him?” Zach asks, and she nods, not seeming to care if I know about her pregnancy or not.

“Yeah.” She looks over at us. “You two are the first people to know. I was so scared, but I went to the clinic, and they helped me out a ton. They helped me with insurance and appointments. I’ve gone to all of them.”

“You haven’t told your mom?” Zach asks.

“No. Not yet. I know she’d have tried to talk me into an abortion, and I didn’t want her to. I wanted time to save up some money in case she kicks me out, and I’ve been working at the diner.”

We both nod, and my heart breaks for her. It’s not fair that there are so many shitty parents out in the world. I know I got lucky with mine. They might not be perfect, but still, I’ve always known deep down they’d have my back.