Page 60 of Protector

She startles and then shakes her head. “Why would I be mad?”

I shrug, starting to walk along the gravel path, and she walks along with me. “I wasn’t sure if maybe Elliot... I mean the shit he’s said.” I don’t know what to say and huff, running my fingers through my hair. “He raised you.”

She grabs my arm and effectively stops my walking and forces me to look at her. “That asshole did not raise me. Or any of us. And I’m nothing like him. I know he’s a horrible human, and I’m happy for you.”

My eyes fill with tears that I won’t allow to fall, but I’m so damn grateful to her. “Thank you.”

She cocks her head to the side, looking slightly irritated and maybe a little confused. “I can’t believe you thought I’d be mad that you’re with a guy. And not just any guy but your best friend in the world.”

“I’m sorry,” I say sheepishly and then pull her into a hug I think we both need. She sniffs, hugs me back, and then shoves me away.

“Heispretty hot.”

I fake gag. “Please never tell me my boyfriend is hot ever again.”

She giggles at that, and we start walking a little closer to the Bates’ home. I look up at the classic house I know is full of warmth from the fireplace and probably Mrs. Bates running around the kitchen, trying to get dinner prepared.

“Hey, Anna?”

“Hmm?” She stops walking again and looks at me.

“I don’t want you to have to keep my secrets, but can you please not tell anyone?”

She looks troubled by that, looking up at the house and then back at me, blinking. “Why? You really think they’d care? Jameson has a boyfriend too.”

“No. It’s not that.” Although, Mr. Bates was kind of an asshole at first when he found out about Jameson and Garrison. He’s changed a lot since then and apologized, so hopefully, he wouldn’t say anything hateful. “It’s just...” I don’t really know how to explain it, but I know she deserves the truth. She’s more mature than I gave her credit for. “I want to get custody of Mary and you. I want to make sure you’re safe, and in Kensley...”—I swallow hard, fear threatening to cripple me—“I’m not sure they’d make it easy for me if they knew.”

She’s quiet for a moment and then her eyes darken. “Fuckers.”

I bark out a quick laugh, never having heard my sister say that word before, but I can’t disagree. “Yeah.”

She purses her lips and her nose crinkles as she thinks. “Maybe we could stay here. I really like Adam’s parents.”

I smile at that, but my gut clenches, thinking about putting that on them. “I don’t know how long Mom and Elliot are going to let this go. We need something permanent.”

She places her small hand on my shoulder. “You can’t give up your life for us, Zach. It’s not fair. You deserve to have love.”

“I have love,” I assure her, even if maybe I don’t deserve it. I have Adam. He isn’t going anywhere. “But you and Mary are my family, and I will make sure you’re taken care of.”

“Don’t sacrifice too much. You’ve taken care of us long enough.”

I don’t know about that, but I hug her tightly and then walk her the rest of the way to the house.

I want to find a way to have it all, and I’m going to do everything I can to make it happen.



Goddamn, it feels good to see the beginning of my actual house. The framework is done. And okay, J was, for sure, right about Oakley’s crew being amazing. They came out last weekend and helped us get a lot done, now that it’s starting to get warmer.

I’m hoping it will be finished by graduation next month. It’ll be the perfect graduation gift for Zach and me. Oakley and a few of his guys are coming out later today, and I can’t even express how damn grateful I am.

And—okay, a little surprised. Because the guy has grown into an absolute professional. And while they don’t build houses for a living, they knew what the hell they were doing.

Although Oakley obsessed a hell of a lot about the porch, which I wasn’t all that worried about. You know, with my house not having actual walls yet and all, but whatever he wants to do is fine with me. Free labor and all that.

I’m hoping someday I can pay him back, but he swears it’s fine. That he’s more than happy to help outLittle Bates, and just for that, I let the stupid-ass nickname slide. I do owe him a whole lot.