Page 11 of Protector

But I don’t think it’ll work. And it’s not that I haven’t seen him. We’ve been at practice every day this week. We eat lunch together and have three classes together at school, but he’s not talking to me—not really. He’s talking about school and football. Trying to make himself seem... okay? But I know he’s not.

I know him better than anyone, and he’s not okay.

So that’s where my mind is tonight. Not on the game like it should be. Truthfully though, I could play football in my sleep and these clowns unlucky enough to be our opponents tonight wouldn’t stand a chance.

We wind up winning 35–0.

And everyone is excited about the win. Pumped-up and heading to the party spot tonight—Oakley land, despite Oakley having graduated a while ago—to party. Normally, I’d opt out, but when we’re in the locker room after we’ve showered, I turn to face my best friend as he tugs on a pair of jeans. “We should go.”

He looks confused as he grabs his shirt. “Go where?”

“To the party.” I tug my shirt on and look for my black Kensley Panthers hoodie, in case it gets chilly tonight.

He pulls his t-shirt over his head, his eyes surveying the locker room before they meet mine. “What? Why?”

I shrug, hoping I’m coming off as nonchalant. Like I don’t desperately need to get him alone so we can actually talk. Away from our houses with siblings and abusive, loud, shithead stepfathers. Out of the crowded hallways of the high school. I know I can find somewhere to talk to him where we can be alone. “We won. It was a good win, and this is our senior year. How much time do we have left to do it?”

“You mean with being the sad pathetic older people who sneak into high-school parties?”

I smile at that and nod. “Exactly.”

He looks conflicted, and my heart is racing as I wait for him to answer me. “Mary and Anna are staying with Grandma tonight.”

Thank. Fuck. “That’s good.”

“She’s getting older though, man.” His eyes meet mine with so much damn worry. “What if they need me?”

“Leave your phone on. They know how to reach you, and I’ll have mine too.” I made damn sure Anna has my number too. “We won’t drink. Just hang out.”

My eyes are pleading with him. I don’t even care how desperate I look. I have to get him to talk to me. “Okay,” he relents, and I let out a relieved breath. “For a little bit.”

I nod, quickly agreeing as I make sure I have my keys. He grabs a hoodie too, and we walk out to my truck. “I’ll drive.”

He doesn’t argue, and we hop into my truck to make the short drive via gravel country road out to the Oakley place. I feel unsettled and nervous, which isn’t normal when Zach and I hang out.

I can’t stand it.

When we pull up, I park my truck in a row of other trucks and cars. I can see the bonfire is already going, and they have several camping chairs and logs pulled up around it. There are already a ton of people here, red solo cups being handed out with a keg nearby.

Someone has their truck radio blasting out music, and even though it’s not really my favorite, I have to admit this isn’t the worst way to spend a Friday night. But I’m not here for any of them. Zach pushes open his door and hops out of the truck as I quickly follow him.

“So we aren’t drinking?” he asks, and I grin, looking around—almost everyone else is holding a cup.

“I’m sure we could find some soda or something.”

He chuckles and punches my shoulder as he makes his way toward the crowd. I follow him, although I really just want to take his arm and lead him away from everyone. Force him to finally talk to me.

But I guess we’re going for the long game here. Get him to relax and then question the hell out of him like our lives depend on it. And surprisingly, it’s a good time. We just sit around the fire and talk with people from the team and other people we’ve grown up with.

But it all changes quickly when Chloe and her best friends show up with a couple of guys from Big Bend. You can feel the shift in the air as soon as they walk up to the fire. Chloe’s eyes blaze with fury as she approaches and her gaze locks on Zach.

He stiffens next to me, both of us still sitting. He’s waiting. I’m waiting. And hoping like hell she keeps her mouth shut. But one look at the smirk that firms on her mouth, and I know this won’t be good. “Here I thought this party would be asshole-free.”

Zach shifts next to me, but he doesn’t say a word. I look at Chloe, not bothered by the two Big Bend football players at her side. “Why don’t you just grab a beer and chill out.”

“Of course you’re standing up for him.” Her voice is shrill, full of anger. “I’m sure you guys had a really big laugh at my expense. Probably do that a lot, right?”

“Chloe...” Zach starts, his voice quiet and full of regret, and I hate that I can’t fix this for him. I notice all eyes are on us. “I wouldn’t...”