I can’t lose him.

He wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me down to him and kissing the corner of my mouth, then the other. He kisses my nose next and then my forehead, his hands moving my head around to where he wants me before his lips press against mine. “I’m yours. Forever. I’m honored to be yours. You’re a fighter.”

“You’re a fighter, my boy,”Dorris’s voice echoes in my ear, and a tear streams down my cheek. She gave me the strength I needed to stop being so damn angry all the time. She helped me learn to be stronger. I went out and seized my racing career, using that anger and strength. Wanting to show the world I wasn’t weak.

“With you though...” I say, looking down into his eyes. “I don’t have to be.”

He shakes his head slowly at that, his eyes locking on mine. “No. You don’t. You don’t have to pretend or be loud or fake being strong when you don’t feel it. You can be yourself with me, and I’ll love you, no matter what.”

Another tear.

That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear. All I’ve ever needed.

Someone to just love me for me. Someone to let me have weak moments.

I found it in Soren.

And I’m never letting him go.



“You know you’re a real asshole, right?” I listen to Axel give Royal shit as we sit in the hospital room, where Axel is perched next to Sebastian in his bed. “Kind of stole our thunder with that lip-lock.”

“You’ve seen him. Don’t act like you could keep your lips off him,” Royal shoots back, and Sebastian tosses a pen from the side table at Royal. It hits him on the arm, and he laughs.

“Watch it. He’s only interested inmylips,” Sebastian says, his voice a little croaky from being out for so long. He’s healing well from the accident. But even three days later, Axel hasn’t left his side for very long.

The guy looks wrecked but also totally complete next to his husband, who’s very much alive and expected to make a full recovery.

“Damn straight,” Axel says, smacking a quick, gentle kiss over Sebastian’s mouth. Then he looks at Royal. “And I take it you’re not so straight?”

I chuckle, and Royal rolls his eyes. “Nope. Not so straight.”

Axel smiles, looking at me, then at his best friend. “I can’t believe you fell for a reporter.”

“Hey. I’m right here,” I protest.

Axel only laughs. “Oh, I know.” He winks at me. “I’m happy for you both. This the real deal?”

He seems to be asking both of us, but it’s Royal who answers easily, “I love him. And he tolerates me.”

I move a little closer to my idiot boyfriend and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him to me so I can kiss his cheek. “I love you too.”

“Ugh, I’m going to be sick,” Sebastian complains, but he’s clearly joking.

“Yeah, yeah. I had to watch you two be all gaga for each other for how fucking long?” Royal asks. “You can deal.”

He turns to look at me and plants a big ole kiss on my lips, just as Jenny walks into the hospital room. She’s got coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. “So have you two decided how to make it official?”

I shrug and release Royal but lean on his shoulder as I face Jenny. “I was thinking at the top of a rollercoaster. Have one of those cams on his head to record me telling the world that I’m Royal Dutton’s boyfriend, just before we fall over the first hill.”

Royal gives me a death glare and shakes his head. “No. No rollercoasters.”

Axel laughs, but Jenny and Sebastian look confused as hell. “How about something a little slower? I’m not sure you could get the words out, plunging toward the earth,” Jenny says as she sits down in one of the free chairs. There are a lot of chairs the staff brought in to accommodate all the people coming by to check on Sebastian.

“I’ll think on it,” I tell her, and she seems to be okay with my answer for now. I know the story has already broken and the world knows, but no one has gotten it straight from the source yet.