“Well, what the hell does she care? It’s my money.”

“Royal,” Jenny snaps, and I look over at her again. “You need this. You’re lucky he’s here.”

“He hates me. Calls me all kinds of shit.Neanderthalandoutdated.Over-hyped.Way overpaid.”

“I stand by all that,” Soren says cooly as he lifts his glass to his lips. Lips that are far too pink and puffy for my liking. They look really soft. But they turn stern and are set in a frown when he notices me watching him.

I try to shake that weird-as-fuck moment off. “Then why help me?”

He shrugs his left shoulder. “It’s a lot of money.”

My lips part in surprise, and I let out a harsh puff of air. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Jenny.” I look at my agent, who is definitely not kidding. “He hates me. Why would he be able to make me look...”—I cringe, just thinking about it, but force myself to finish—“softer?”

“Because he hates you, and the world knows it.”

I toss my hand up in frustration and lean back in my chair. “Well, that explains it then.”

She rolls her eyes at me and takes another quick sip before placing her glass down on the table and looking me right in the eyes. “If he manages to find anything remotely human inside you and reports on it, the world will believe him. Because he does openly despise you. And he’s very honest.”

I’m the one to roll my eyes now. “He wants everything PC and nice. The world isn’t nice.”

“The world is changing,” she says adamantly, and I have to wonder if she really believes that.

I shake my head. No. The world is cruel. Cold. And they feed off the drama, even when they say they hate it. They want the fights. They need the villain to feel alive. To judge. To make themselves feel better.


“You aren’t saying no,” she says calmly. “It’s a chance of a lifetime, and you’re going to take it.”

“Or?” I say like the petulant child I can’t seem to stop being.

“Noors. Nobuts. Nonos. You’re doing this.”

I turn to look at Soren when Jenny doesn’t waiver. “Fine. Your fucking funeral because I amnotsoft.”

“Can’t wait,” Soren says, and goddammit, he’s not afraid at all.

And I’m shaking like a leaf.



Okay, maybe I do hate him. The guy is cocky, arrogant beyond belief, rude, and just an overall shithead. I don’t have to be here. The money will be great, but I don’tneedit.

I don’t know if I can do this. I want to run, but Jenny seems awfully confident. I’m not nearly as confident as my words.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I admit out loud and hate the smirk that forms on Royal’s ridiculously handsome face.

“See?” He looks at Jenny. “Already backing out.”

“Can you blame him. You’re being a dick.” Jenny glares at her client, but of course, he’s not scared. He’s too much of an asshole to be afraid.

“I thought you couldn’t wait.” Royal eyes me, his gaze unnerving as his hazels hold onto my own green ones.

“I don’t have to do this,” I say calmly, probably reminding myself more than him.

Jenny speaks before he can. “No, you don’t.”