“True success stories.”

“But still, when I’m out on that track, it’s like it’s chasing me. The past. The failures. The weakness.”

Soren sits up now, holding my face in his hands as he gives me that very familiar stare-down. “You’re not weak.”

“I felt like it in there,” I say honestly. “Since we got the call. I went numb. I can’t fix this for him. I can’t tell him to go out on the track and blow off some steam. I can’t make it any better or him any less angry.”

“Sebastian will be okay,” he says, his voice knowing, in a way it shouldn’t be because no one knows if it actually will be. But I still believe him.

I press a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he says, and then I kiss him again.

Only this time, I hear an all too familiar sound and see the flash. Soren freezes, then his head swivels toward what I assume is someone grabbing the story of Royal Dutton and Soren Adams in an intimate embrace outside the hospital where Axel and Sebastian were taken.


“Oh, God,” Soren breathes. “Get out of here!” he shouts at the reporters.

And there are a lot. I notice a full crew. Several stations. “Soren Adams? Is that you? Is this your new boyfriend?”

“Royal? Are you the nextoutracecar driver?”

“Are you an official couple?”

“Royal, how are Sebastian and Axel?”

The vultures all shout, one after another, not giving one damn thought to the reason we’re at the hospital. That we could be mourning a loss. That we’re worried and frightened. That they shouldn’t fucking out someone who isn’t out.

None of it seems to matter to them as Soren grabs my hand and leads me back inside the hospital. One of the staff members buzzes us in, and I’m confident they’ll also keep the media out.

“Oh, God. Royal.” Soren covers his mouth in anguish. “I am so sorry.”

I see the fear in his eyes, but I’m too fucking numb and raw to say anything. I know I need to.

I need to say a lot of things to him.

But being back in the hospital. Axel and Sebastian being in trouble. The reporters.

It’s all too fucking much at once.



Oh God, he’s freaking out. Of course he is. Goddammit. How could I have been so careless?I knew there would be media at the hospital. This is the biggest story right now.

But I didn’t think about it as I followed Royal outside.

I just saw him sitting there, alone and scared in the cold, worried about his best friends. And all I wanted to do was comfort him. Tell him I was there and that I loved him.

But I knew better.

When I heard that camera, my first instinct was to run, but I knew it was too damn late. They already had their story. They know there’s something going on between us. I can see the headlines now.

“Please say something,” I beg, hating the pleading in my tone, but there’s nothing but fear coursing through me right now.

I can’t lose him. I can’t do it. I’m far too attached.