But I’ll play their little game for now.



I was surprised at Jenny setting up a time with Royal for our first interview. I was even more surprised by her follow-up text to let me know he agreed to it.

You’d think with her setting up the time, he’d have already agreed to meet. But I’m learning that’s not how things are done when it comes to Royal.

Royal Dutton is the most stubborn human I’ve ever met. I was two seconds away from doing a live on my Instagram, confirming that after he shut me out of his house. Until Jenny’s name came up on my phone.

I let her talk me into a dinner invite. And then I let her talk me into trying again after a nice, peaceful dinner with her, as well as Axel, and Sebastian—who, for the record, are really nice for a couple of racers.

I always thought Axel was a tool, just like his bestie, but either he isn’t or Sebastian has leveled him out over the years.

Either way, it was a nice dinner, and I allowed myself to give Royal one more chance. But if he doesn’t behave this time, I’m done.

At least that’s what I tell myself as I go through his gate and park my car outside his ridiculously fancy house in Kansas City.

I barely ring the doorbell before Royal answers the door, wearing torn jeans that likely cost more than they should and a racing t-shirt—which, of course, advertises his racing team.

I’m not surprised.

Whatdoessurprise me, though, are the two dachshunds who race out the front door, yipping at my feet and sniffing my charcoal-colored suit pants. “You have dogs?”

“Yup. Meet Oscar and Annie.”

I look down at the dogs, who are still yipping and sniffing away, and then back up at Royal. “You named them Oscar and Annie?”

He shakes his head and whistles for them. “Nope. They came with the names.” He motions for me to follow as he and his dogs head into the house. “Come on. They aren’t going to hurt you.”

I look at the small dogs with short little legs, floppy ears, and long bodies, then back up at Royal, hoping my annoyance shows. “I’m not afraid of them. I just didn’t know you had them. They weren’t here the other day.”

I follow him inside before he closes the door behind me. “Oscar was outside. Annie, I just adopted a couple of days ago. But she’s already decided she’s the boss, and Oscar seems to be cool with it.”

I’m surprised by his calm, cool demeanor and his willingness to talk to me about his dogs. I mean, it may not seem like a big deal, but this is Royal Dutton. Then I realize he’s wearing his mask.

The one I’ve seen him put on countless times for interviews on the track. The ones where he’s obligated to smile for the cameras, but off the track, he shoots down every single interview opportunity.

I’m sure that mask gets tiring. Maybe that’s why he can only stand the interviews at the track.

I reach down and scratch Oscar’s ears and then pat Annie on the head gently before doing the same to her. Then I focus back on my thoughts.

Nah, I’m sure it isn’t that deep. Maybe he’s just in a good mood today. Who knows? And really, I don’t care. My followers might love the animal angle, but it’s not going to totally save his personality.

I straighten back up and face Royal, who was watching me pet his dog. “We doing this here?”

He nods and then slides into a spot on his couch, kicking his feet up on the table and getting cozy. “Yup. Take a seat.”

I bristle at his domineering attitude but sit in one of the oversized chairs near the couch. Annie hops right up on my lap and makes herself at home. Okay, I can do this. I can make him human.

I mean, we’re sitting here in his living room—and yes, the furniture is obviously very expensive and doesn’t look used at all—but he looks right at home. The house is spotless, like it’s not lived in, maybe a little cold, but the dogs seem happy here.

For every hint of inauthentic, there’s a touch of something real.

I can do this.

“Okay,” I start. “How about your childhood?”