It’s funny. Most of the sealed skin doesn’t have any sensation—too much nerve damage—but for some reason, I feel them in this moment.
Ro’s not even touching me, but it’s as if she’s running her smooth little fingers over each line.
I shiver.
Thankfully, Ro doesn’t seem to notice my reaction because she’s too busy shifting her focus to the waterskin.
After quickly snatching it from my grip, she gulps at it as if the offer has an expiration date. And maybe it does. I have no idea how long we have before Armand shows up, and Ro must have the same concern.
She keeps glancing behind me at the doorway, like she’s expecting to get interrupted.
It’s then that I realize I probably stepped right into a trap. Armand wouldn’t let me find Ro so easily without ulterior motives. She’s the bait, and I’m already caught.
Whatever Armand’s plans are, he’ll have to let Ro eat and drink as much as she wants. If I have to hold him off with physical force while she does so, I will, consequences be damned.
When I retrieve a roll from my sack, Ro practically tosses the waterskin back at me and swipes the bread from my hand with impressive speed. She ravenously digs her teeth into the food, stuffing a large bite into her mouth until her cheeks are puffed up as she chews. She closes her eyes and lets out a long sigh through her nose before swallowing and going back for more.
It’s… cute.
Watching her eat is oddly pleasurable for me. Knowing that I’m giving her something she desperately needs is rewarding. I feel proud and calmed in the same way I do after I’ve won a battle.
Once she’s done with the bread, I bend my head and start searching my bag for something else, but she reminds me, “So, about that promise.”
Eager to hear her wishes, I square my shoulders. “Yes? Where would you like to go?”
Drawing in a strengthening breath, her gaze stays fixed on the sword strapped to my belt. “I want you to send me to my final resting place.”
The blood drains from my face. “What?”
“I just ask that you make it quick.” Her delicate fingers go to her slender neck. “I bet your blade is so sharp, I wouldn’t feel a thing.”
Suddenly, I see her rapid consumption of the bread and water as something more than someone who thought they wouldn’t be allowed to finish. She was trying to enjoy her last meal so she could get to the end result as fast as possible.
“What are you saying to me?” My voice is gruff.
I don’t even know why I’m asking for clarification.
Her intent is clear, and I’m an idiot.
Why did I agree to her oath without asking her to be more specific about what she wants? I know better—always state the terms before making a vow.
Or else I could end up in a bad situation. A scenario like this where I have to refuse and go back on my word.
I don’t go back on my word. Ever.
But I can’t agree to this. I won’t.
It’s not even about morals or my duty to complete my mission as directed. It has nothing to do with the fact that I would probably be sentenced to death for killing a former queen.
It’s because the thought of causing this woman any harm makes me physically ill. I’m actually fighting the nausea, gritting my teeth and clenching my stomach muscles so I don’t hurl at Ro’s feet.
She’s persistent, though.
Just to drive the point home so there isn’t any misunderstanding, Ro’s big brown eyes bore into mine as the request comes again. “Kai, I want you to kill me.”