“No, I mean, thank you forwhat?”

“The travel? The stellar words of wisdom I’ve bestowed upon you?”

I scowl at him.

“You’re lucky I need you to get back,” I simply state, letting the implied alternative of his death hang between us as I turn away to grasp the corroded metal of the door handle.

Ellister hums forlornly and mumbles, “Lucky? If I were truly fortunate, you’d put me out of my misery.”

I pause.

I know I heard him correctly, so I don’t need to ask him to repeat it, but it sounds like he wants to die.

The wind blows harder for a second, and when I look over my shoulder, Ellister is gone. Some sand still swirls in the air from the suction of the vortex he just used.

With his exit, my mission begins.

I open the heavy door and step inside the palace grounds.

Immediately, the wind dies down. My confusion clears. The hopelessness lifts a little.

Time suddenly makes sense again. I can count the seconds as they tick by. The dust is settled on this side of the wall, and it’s eerily still.

So this is what it’s like to stand inside enchanted territory.

It’s still shitty, but I can see the benefit of it. Ellister was right—I do feel better, and that’s a good thing, because I’m going to need my wits about me if I’m marching into battle by myself.

As I forge ahead toward the four-story castle, I carefully scan my drab surroundings for any threats. My muscles are tense and ready for a confrontation, but no one comes.

Shifting my gaze, I take in the dried grass on either side of the walkway and the cracked cobblestones under my feet. The grand maze to my right looks nothing like the lush labyrinth I’ve seen from above when flying in the Day Realm. Thorny branches make up the tall walls that are normally covered in green leaves and flowers.

About halfway between me and the castle, there’s a decrepit, bone-dry fountain. As I pass it, my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. I’d love to quench my thirst and wash some of the filth off me before I try to present myself to the overlord as a royal representative, but that’s not an option without water.

Holding out my hands, I grimace at the way the dirt coats my skin and how the grittiness is caked under my fingernails. My face feels tight, and my beard is itchy from the sand.

Attempting to shake off the excess dirt, I toss my head this way and that, whipping my braid around while I vigorously scratch my facial hair.

It’s no use. I’m still disgusting.

Oh, well. Appearing regal and civilized has never been my style, and I have a feeling it wouldn’t help me in this world anyway.

Everything here is hideous, so really, I fit in.

Once I’m closer to the castle, I can see that every stone is in a state of disintegration, making it look like the structure could topple at any moment.

When I get to the main entrance, I don’t knock.

The wooden door isn’t locked, and it swings open with a loud creak before shutting behind me with an even more obnoxiousbang. The sound echoes off the stone walls in the foyer like a cannon exploding.

Well, if Armand didn’t know I was here before, he does now.

This is the moment when I think I’ll be intercepted. However, no servants or soldiers greet me, and I start to think perhaps the place has been vacated. Maybe Armand heard rumor of retaliation and he’s fled.

I hope that’s not the case.

As satisfying as it is to think of Queen Ro’s captor running in fear, it wouldn’t be ideal; I certainly don’t want to have to hunt him down.

My boots are not quiet as I stomp through the foyer. I stride with purpose, wandering into what appears to be a barely furnished dining room on my right.