The first one goes on, and I want to whimper with relief at how pleasant it is against my skin. These socks are made from a special type of wool you can only find in the Dream Realm. They’re soft, fuzzy, and warmed by Kai’s body heat. Instantly, my aching is soothed.

“It might be gross to wear someone else’s socks,” Kai says, pulling the material up to cover my calf. “But I won’t let you be in pain.”

“It’s not gross.” Maybe it would be disgusting if it were anyone else, but it’s not when it’s him.

He’s kneeling before me. In my long lifetime, I’ve had men bow down to me thousands of times, but it’s never given me butterflies.

With his arm under the robe, it’s strangely erotic to see Kai with his hand up my skirt. Biting my lip, I try not to get carried away with the image.

I don’t want to misconstrue his compassion for something it’s not. I did that before, and I’m not going there again.

When he finishes pulling the second sock up, he lifts his face, and we lock eyes.


That electrical current shoots out from where he’s touching the inside of my knee, and it bounces up to my head before settling in my stomach where it bursts like lightning.

Forget butterflies.

This is something else.

My nipples suddenly feel tight, and the rough fabric of my bra scratches against them. There’s a warm ache deep inside my lower belly. Wetness floods my loin cloth, and an intense pulse goes through my clit at the thought of Kai sliding his hand higher.

Any confusion I’ve had about my surprising attraction to Kai clears.

I haven’t lost my mind.

What I’m experiencing is something totally natural and new.

A crush.

Kai’s activated a side of myself I wasn’t sure I ever had in the first place. Some people are asexual, and I’ve often wondered if that’s why I’m never romantically interested in anyone. Because if I’m being honest, even before the abuse I suffered with Zarid, I didn’t have a pull to men. Or women.

This is literally the worst time to have a sexual awakening.

For one, I’m relying on Kai for survival, and that complicates our dynamic.

Two, there’s nothing but terror and probable death in our immediate future.

And three, there’s a good chance this crush is unrequited.

I think the last reason is the biggest mindfuck of all because Kai’s been giving out a lot of mixed messages. He wipes my tears away. He says I’m strong andprecious. He says I smell good when I’m sure I reek. He talks about how much I mean to him…

But he recoiled at my touch.

However, for someone who claims to dislike physical contact, he sure does dish it out when he finds it necessary.

The socks have been in place for several seconds, but Kai’s hand is still on my skin, just below my knee. He drags his fingers along the top of the wool like he’s checking the fit, but it isn’t necessary. This material molds to the person wearing it, and that’s a well-known fact.

Very reluctantly, Kai separates from me and stands.

His cinnamon scent wafts through the air again, and I’m left sitting with googly eyes and a racing heart.

As if he’s deliberately acting distant, Kai looks everywhere but at me, shoves his feet into his boots, and picks up his sword.

His eyes are trained on the courtyard exit as he offers me his hand to help me up.

Fitting my fingers against his, I overanalyze every second we’re connected. The extra squeeze he gives me. The way his fingertips graze the inside of my palm. How his thumb softly bumps over my knuckles right before he lets go.