“The world you left is not the same as it was,” he comments with pride. “I’d describe it as a sort of utopia now.”
“Utopia?” I repeat with disbelief. “Valora has always been riddled with conflict, rivalry, and inequality. How could it change so much in the short time I’ve been gone?”
“Keep in mind the time difference between the fae world and the Earth realm. While you were in Brazil for a few weeks, over two decades went by in Valora.”
“Still. Twenty-some years isn’t enough to make that much progress.”
“It is when all the realms are at peace. Not just peace…” Kai corrects. “Love. There’s love and friendship among the royals, and for the first time, they’re working together as a united front. You should’ve seen the way they handled the recent famine and sickness. If the dark fae invasion proved anything, it’s that the citizens of Valora are strong enough to get through the worst hardships when we all support each other. Even when there’s starvation and death everywhere, we sacrifice for one another. The royals sacrifice, too. They give up so much for their people, and that hasn’t gone unnoticed.”
“Lead by example,” I comment, understanding.
Kai nods. “The villagers have seen that they can count on their kings and queens when they need help, and that assistance extends beyond the borders. Night Realm citizens can get resources from the Day Realm and vice versa. Certain medicines and foods are no longer reserved for the regions they come from. It’s as if the realms aren’t three separate kingdoms, but one land. And all people are valued, no matter their species or station. Like the gnomes—they’ve been given rights and respect they didn’t have before, and laws have been put in place to protect them from being taken advantage of in the mines.”
“That all sounds too good to be true. It’s extremely hard for me to imagine.”
“Then don’t. You can just see for yourself when you come back with me.”
When. There’s that word again. Assumptions have been thrown around a lot today.
I guess in very uncertain times—like now—it’s nice to know that at least one of us is confident enough to believe we’ll win.
“Miracles, destiny, whatever you want to call it…” Kai goes on. “Things can change for the better. Alliances can be forged, and harmony can be achieved.” Bending down a little as if he’s telling me a secret, he adds, “And fire-wielding princesses with a grudge can hold their own. If the barbarian tribe wasn’t already completely hairless, I’m positive they are now.”
Releasing a breath, I let out a half-laugh.
Kai just gave me something very special—reassurance, along with an entertaining story about my granddaughter.
Maybe Zaylee isn’t dead. If she’s as tenacious as he says, she’s got a shot here.
“I’m so glad she’s not like me,” I say, overwhelmed with relief.
“Like you?” Kai asks, oblivious because he has yet to realize he’s been saddled with a dud.
“Timid. Weak. Powerless.”
“That’s what you think of yourself?”
I shrug. “It’s who I’ve been my entire life. Literally. Maybe you’ve heard that I never developed a fae power, and that’s true.”
“A lack of magic doesn’t diminish your worth.”
“Come on, Kai. In Valora, it does. You can’t deny that.”
With a glare that almost seems angry, Kai looks me up and down. Really looks. Seconds tick by as he towers over me, studying my face and my petite frame.
Under the weight of his scrutiny, I find myself staring at the ground. Ashamed of who I am, of how I look. I’m just a tiny, dirty woman.
This robe is swallowing me up, accentuating my smallness.
And isn’t that just an accurate depiction of my life? Me, in over my head. Me, drowning in my circumstances. Me, never having a grasp on any situation, always at the mercy of someone or something I can’t control.
I’m so pathetic.
Kai’s hand enters my line of vision as he slowly reaches for my face.
Staying completely still, I watch him get closer, then he tenderly swipes a thumb over my cheek.
The action leaves a wet streak behind.