“Motherfucker,” I rasp, my body aching from the violent impact I just encountered.
I didn’t realize falling on sand could hurt so much, but I suppose it’s all about force and speed. And when I came hurdling through that vortex, it was hard and fast.
Not to mention, this is my second brutal landing within a minute. Before I was brought to this exact spot, my escort Ellister had to take another warrior to a different location, and I was dragged along for the ride.
I hope Pippin isn’t hurt. I didn’t have time to check him to see if he needed healing because Ellister formed another swirling abyss right after the first drop off. He just immediately grabbed my wrist, and we flew into the next vortex, leaving Pippin quite literally in the dust.
While still lying on the ground facedown, I take stock of my minor injuries. A scrape on my elbow. A contusion on my leg. No gashes or broken bones.
I’m lucky it’s not worse.
Using my healing power, I mentally nudge the damaged skin and soft tissue back into place, smoothing it over and repairing it to perfection. There are some popping and crackling sounds that most people find disturbing, but it doesn’t hurt. On the contrary, it’s pleasant. Like a warm tingle.
However, I notice my power is more sluggish than usual because it’s being affected by this awful place I’ve found myself in.
The Lost Land.
I’d heard crossing over to the alternate universe would be terrible, but there’s no way I could’ve imagined how deeply depressing it would be.
My limbs are heavy. My chest, empty. Every triumph I’ve ever had suddenly seems meaningless.
I am… worthless. The rational part of me knows that’s not true, but I can’t seem to rid myself of the idea.
Pushing up onto my hands and knees, I dig my fingers into the loosely packed sand and dirt on the ground. A gust of wind blows, kicking up the dust and pelting my face with it.
As I spit some of the chalky substance from my mouth, I become keenly aware of the unsettling absence of my soul.
My soul is gone.
Stripped from me, as if it were never there to begin with.
That’s what’s causing this dreadful emptiness.
“You get used to it,” Ellister drawls to my right.
I look over to see the dark fae standing several feet away, brushing himself off. Patting his black leather pants, he causes puffs of dust to blow off in the breeze, but it’s futile because the grime is in the air. It perpetually covers him from head to toe, regardless of his efforts to rid himself of it. His dark hair appears brownish-gray from the powdery film, and his pale skin is splotchy with dirt.
Behind him, there’s an endless expanse of sand dunes with some occasional dead trees speckling the horizon. Above him, just gray skies. Even the areas that aren’t clouded have no color. There are no suns or stars.
It’s so bleak.
“You get used to it?” I echo, skeptical. “Really?”
“No, not really.” A cruel smirk pulls at Ellister’s mouth, though the amused expression doesn’t match his dead, cold eyes. “That was a lie.”
Of course he’d be dishonest every chance he gets. Deceivers, betrayers… that’s who the dark fae are.
A lie wouldn’t hurt Ellister. Not here. Not without his soul to inflict him with the physically painful consequences. I guess it wouldn’t harm me either, but I don’t want to get into the habit of lying.
When Ellister sees my judgmental stare, he scoffs, “I forgot how superior you warriors are. How honorable you claim to be. You’ll lose that sense of grandeur very quickly around here.”
Somehow finding the will to get up from the ground, I support myself on unstable legs while giving him a distasteful sneer. “There’s nothing wrong with being trustworthy. The truth has been my friend many times, and I don’t see the point in wasting words. And that’s what lies are. Just a waste of air.”
Ellister’s face is devoid of any humor when he warns, “In a world where nothing means anything, you’ll do what you must to escape it. Lie. Scheme. Steal. Do whatever you can to get away from here.”
That’s… actually not bad advice.