Kai glances at Armand, and the overlord nods. “She’s not wrong. My magic is woven into the labyrinth. Without giving too much of the surprise away, all I can tell you is that the area is… vast and complicated.”

“It’s a trick, Kai.” My chest is becoming tight with panic again. “I’m not even sure there’s a way out. Once you go in… you’re a goner. You should go home. Seriously. Turn around and leave.”

Armand tsks like I’m a mouthy kid. “Ah, ah. Kai is so dedicated, he would never abandon you. Isn’t that right, mighty warrior?”

“That’s correct.” Kai aims his grumpy face at me. “Either I leave with you or not at all.”

“Not at allis how this will end,” I hiss. “It doesn’t matter if you agree to these ridiculous terms. Armand always gets his way.”

“No, dear,” the overlord contradicts me. “This time you’re going to getyourway.”

“What do you mean by that?” I ask warily.

I don’t like the look in his eyes. That evil twinkle.

Instead of clarifying, Armand grins at Kai and spreads his hands. “What do you say?”

“How will we be bound to the agreement without our souls?” Kai asks with caution. “How can I be sure you won’t back out of the deal?”

Armand lifts his amulet from his chest. “We’ll place our vow on this gem. The magic inside will make sure we both keep our word.”

“How will it do that?”

“I might own the amulet, but I don’t control it. Not when it comes to bargains. If either of us reneges, our lifeforce will be sucked into the gem. It has a hunger, you see, and it’s been too long since it has consumed someone.”

“How do I know you’re not lying right now?”

“Feel the power within the amulet.” Quickly removing the chain from around his neck, Armand extends the necklace toward Kai. It dangles from his fingertips, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. “Just put your hand near it.”

Walking forward and extending his arm, Kai lets his palm hover a few inches away from the gem. I’ve been close enough to that thing that I’ve felt its force. It’s indescribable, but I’d say it’s unnerving and intriguing at the same time to sense the invisible energy of pure magic.

Kai snatches his hand away and steps back like he’s just as disturbed by it as I am. “You haven’t told me the terms yet. When I win, what do I get?”

“When,” Yugo speaks up, snickering to Armand. “He said, ‘when.’ Look at him… so sure he’s going to succeed.”

“If he’s that confident, then he has nothing to worry about,” Armand quips happily. “Kai, if you overcome the challenges, I’ll personally escort you to the Gatekeeper and make sure you and your queen leave the Lost Land safely. You’ll be a hero.”

“And if I lose?”

“If you lose…” Armand’s attention falls on me. “You have to give her what she wants.”


“What she wants,” I repeat, my heart thundering.

Outwardly, I’m trying to keep a calm façade. I’m used to being stone-faced in the most perilous situations, but I’m not my best self today.

My emotions are all out of sorts, and I don’t know why I can’t seem to keep my shit together.

“Simply give the queen what she wants,” Armand confirms. “I still can’t believe you refused her. Quite frankly, it was rude.” He pretends to wear a sympathetic mask as he looks at Ro. “This poor thing deserves to be put out of her misery.”

Put out of her misery.

Ellister had used a similar phrase right before he left me outside the castle. I should’ve known then that the circumstances are worse than I’d realized.

It never occurred to me that Ro wouldn’t want to be saved, and now Armand is using that against me.

I glance at the queen.