With a business-like air, he straightens his shoulders, steps forward, and formally lays out his offer. “I can promise you a monthly shipment of goods. Grain, fruit, ale—”
“We have enough food,” Armand cuts him off.
That’s a lie. The supplies he receives from the west are scraps. Leftovers. It’s charity, really.
“The starvation of the queen would indicate otherwise,” Kai deadpans.
“She’s alive, isn’t she?”
“No thanks to you. I know how the Lost Land works. No one dies of natural causes here. It’s just endless thirst and hunger. Even you haven’t escaped that suffering from the looks of your hair and skin.”
Insulted, Armand gasps. “My nutritional needs are met by my husband. Yugo and I provide everything we need for each other.”
Mentioning his significant other is all it takes for Yugo to be summoned. Strolling into the room, he wears his normal attire of a loin cloth that looks like it might fall off if even a light draft comes through the windows.
At first, when I met the man who worships Armand, I thought maybe he was being held captive. Or maybe he’d been brainwashed.
I quickly found out that’s not the case. Yugo is completely devoted to Armand, and not in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of way.
They’re two twisted peas in a pod.
They constantly conspire together, chuckling and whispering like best friends who are about to pull a prank on their least favorite teacher. They touch at every opportunity—much like now, when Yugo perches on the arm of the throne and drapes his arm over Armand’s shoulder. As Yugo lightly brushes the recent puncture marks on Armand’s neck, Armand caresses the day-old bite-shaped bruise on Yugo’s upper thigh.
Moments ago, Armand was ready to blow a gasket, but now that his partner in crime has joined him, he’s happy as a clam.
They’re clearly in love. They look at each other as if time begins and ends with their relationship.
A part of me is jealous because I’ve never had that.
That fierce loyalty. A perfect fit.
They might be awful, but they’re awful together. I’ve never heard one of them speak a bad word about the other, and that kind of devotion is hard to come by.
Kai studies the pair curiously, but there’s no judgment in his gaze. Same sex relationships aren’t unheard of in Valora, especially in the Day Realm. With the male to female ratio being so uneven, it’s expected that men would seek intimacy with each other.
Plus, the fae are so experimental with their sexuality anyway because they can be without consequence. Pregnancy is extremely uncommon if the couple isn’t a fated match, and there are no diseases to worry about.
Some stay abstinent if they’re determined to wait for their soul mate, but it’s rare to find them. Most assume it’ll never happen, so they put their pleasure above all else. They collect happiness so greedily, so unapologetically, wherever they can get it.
Quickly moving onto his next deal, Kai says, “Material goods. Tapestries, furniture, art. Surely you have need for that.”
Armand pretends to consider it as he tips his head back and forth. “While this place could use a good sprucing up, I’ve gone without those things for so long. I like my dreary home. Try again, good sir.”
“Seems you’re in desperate need of clothing.” Kai’s attention is focused on Yugo’s outfit. Or lack thereof.
“Absolutely not. My husband loves his uniform, and my slaves don’t get to choose what they wear.”
“What about dragon acid?” Kai tries again.
Armand’s eyebrows go up, and it might be the first time I’ve seen him genuinely impressed. “Youcaptured a dragon?”
“I did not, but Princess Danyetta of the Night Realm has befriended one.”
“Then the substance isn’t yours to give.”
“I know for a fact that the princess would agree to the deal and the dragon loves her, so I’m telling you that if you want it in exchange for Ro, you’ll have it. I’ve heard dragon acid can enhance spells.”
“That’s true.” Nodding, Armand strokes his chin as he looks to Yugo. “What do you think?”