Ro and I lock eyes, and we both have the same brilliant realization.

“The rocks,” she says with a smile.

I grin. “We can use them.”


“We could spell out a message with them.” I bounce with excitement.

Kai’s energy matches mine as he jumps into action. Using the front of his shirt like a basket, he starts gathering the rocks. “Collect as many as you can. Apple-sized, preferably.”

Joining his efforts, I lift my skirt up like he’s doing with his shirt. The jagged hunks are warm from the blast, but not hot enough to burn me. Within thirty seconds, he and I both have as much as we can carry.

Kai zeroes in on the walkway leading to the garden. “Bring them over here.”

We run. Well, I waddle because I’m a bit weighed down from the heavy load.

On our way to the pavement, I keep waiting for someone to notice these big clusters that are seemingly floating through the air, but everyone’s focused on the sky.

Alosi just left, and he’s flying toward the biggest meteor.

There’s no fanfare for him. No heroic goodbye. He didn’t even announce that he was going. He only glanced around at his home one last time before racing to his destination.

Kai didn’t see his friend’s departure. He’s solely dedicated to our mission, tuning everything else out, and he reaches the pavement before I do.

As he dumps his load of rocks, I don’t tell him about Alosi.

What good would it do to make him watch another person he cares about get obliterated?

Still, Alosi deserves recognition, so I don’t look away. I honor him by witnessing his final act of courage.

With my eyes glued to the brave man, I slow down to a stagger.

A little orange flame ignites in the atmosphere, and much like when Zella broke the portion of the moon, Alosi hits the giant meteor dead center. It cracks apart, as intended.

In my old life—the human one I was stolen from—I remember fireworks. The noises they made when they popped and whistled up into the darkness like shooting stars. How they would light up the sky when they expanded with bright bursts. The crackling as the sparks fizzled out.

This is like that, only times a thousand.

Fireworks on steroids.

When I finally get to Kai, I add my rocks to his pile. He’s on his knees, already forming the first letter.

It’s a ‘G.’

I don’t know what he plans to write, but it won’t matter if no one reads it.

Kirian and Quinn are working on loading one of the cannons. They’re not that far away, and I silently beg them to look over here.

We just need to give them the solution, and then we’ll win.

Picking up a smaller pebble, I throw it at the king. I hit him in the back, but when he turns around and there isn’t anyone behind him, he swivels away.

I do it a second time.

Annoyed, he rotates with a scowl on his face.

However, that scowl turns to puzzlement when he spots the moving rocks.