“I didn’t steal anyone. She was a gift from The Overlord of the West.”
“She wasn’t his to give. You know damn well she doesn’t belong to you or anyone else in this shithole.”
“Finders keepers.”
“Well, I found her now,” Kai counters with an edge of finality.
Armand starts toward us. As he glides closer, his footsteps are so graceful and smooth under his long robe, it almost looks like he’s floating across the floor.
Passing us on his way to his throne, he refutes, “No, it seemsIfoundyou. You’re in my territory. Therefore, you belong to me.”
Kai seems unfazed by the claim, and he just watches with annoyance as Armand lowers himself onto his throne.
The overlord fluffs his robe over his legs as if it’s an elegant garment. Then he gives an exaggerated pout as he thoughtfully steeples his fingers in front of his lips. The burlap robe covering him from his shoulders to his toes has wide sleeves, and they fall to his elbows with his hands raised.
“Now, Kai. I’m terribly disappointed in you.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. Do you want to know why?”
“Not really,” Kai responds with disinterest that I know will piss Armand off.
The overlord sneers, showing a fang.
Regardless of the fact that Kai didn’t ask for an explanation, Armand complains, “You’re not going to give the woman what you’ve promised her? She asked you so nicely. I actually thought we might get to have an execution today, but it seems you lack the strength.”
Reminding Kai of my request is the wrong move on Armand’s part, and the warrior’s chest puffs up with anger.
There’s something palpable about Kai’s rage. It’s similar to Armand’s presence, the way it makes your skin prickle, but it isn’t unpleasant.
Surprisingly, it’s soothing to me in a way.
“Ro isn’t in the right headspace, and that’s your fault,” Kai barks. “You’ve treated her with such cruelty, you’ve driven her to suicide. King Zander isn’t going to be happy when he hears about it, and believe me, you do not want to be on the receiving end of his wrath.”
Unbothered, Armand shrugs. “She’s been clothed and sheltered.”
“This isn’t a shelter. It’s a prison.” Kai furiously gestures to the empty expanse of ever-dusty stone before waving at my sad outfit. “And you call these clothes? I wouldn’t even use these scraps for a dog’s collar. Lastly, Ro’s ankles are chained!”
His shout is so loud, it echoes around us, vibrating the walls enough to cause some debris to rain down.
“Watch yourself.” Armand folds his fingers over his abdomen and gives Kai a hard look. “I don’t take kindly to unwelcome visitors coming into my home and yelling at me. I could have you tossed out on your backside for your insolence.”
“I’d sincerely like to see you try,” Kai dares, “but you won’t do it.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“You’re too intrigued. You’re not going to turn away the most interesting thing that’s happened to you in ages.” Kai’s arrogance is plentiful, but he’s not wrong. “Don’t act like you didn’t expect this, Armand. There’s no way you could capture a former queen and think no one would come for her. We both know you knew I’d arrive at some point, and you’ve been looking forward to this day.”
It’s not very often that Armand gets called on his shit. Usually, everyone just cowers and agrees with whatever he says.
But those men aren’t as fierce as Kai. They certainly don’t have the gumption to threaten Armand, which is what Kai does next.
“The question is, what do you want from me?” Kai’s hand goes from resting on the hilt of his sword to grabbing it like he’s contemplating using it. “You seem like a man who enjoys action. Would a fight satisfy you? Let’s go. I’m ready.”
Armand does love violence, but only when he’s a bystander.
If I’m seeing things correctly, I’d say the slight widening of the overlord’s eyes indicates apprehension. The expression is brief, but it’s there. His eyes dart to the doorway, and he’s probably calculating how long it would take for his guards to arrive if he needs defending.