I’m not very good at standing up for myself, but when it comes to innocent and vulnerable members of my family, my protective side kicks in.

Zaylee deserved to live, and the world needed her in it. She wasn’t just the future of a kingdom. She was a person.

She mattered. Just like Kai said when we first entered the maze, everyone makes a difference just by existing, and now the positive impact Zaylee could’ve had on Valora is no longer a possibility.

Then there’s Zander and Maelyn. How am I supposed to tell them their daughter is gone? The death of a child is something no one recovers from, and I hurt for them.

I’m sad for myself, too. I wanted to know Zaylee. There’s so much I could’ve taught her. I bet there’s a lot I could’ve learned from her as well.

One of the worst parts is not knowing what led her to this fate. I have no idea how she died or if she suffered in the end.

Feeling like I should say something meaningful and final, I try to recall prayers from the bible, but I can’t. It’s been too long, so I just say some words that sound good. “Rest in peace, my sweet granddaughter. Your journey is done, and there will be no more pain for you. I promise to honor your memory somehow.”

When I turn away, Kai has his arms spread, ready to receive me and my sorrow.

I melt into him, and he pets my hair and plants kisses on my head while whispering, “I’m here. I’m here.”

Sobbing against his chest, I let myself feel the incredible pain without trying to dull it or push it away, but I’m interrupted when Kai starts excitedly patting my shoulder.

“Wait. Look.” His happy tone is very out of place in a moment like this. “Princess Zaylee’s chest rises. She’s breathing.”


“She’s alive.”

Spinning back to the casket, I flatten my hands on top of it and peer closely with my nose smushed against the surface.

As I watch Zaylee intently, there’s movement I didn’t notice before. Her lungs are expanding. Her eyelids are twitching, like she’s dreaming. Her skin is pale, but her lips and cheeks are a healthy pink.

Zaylee isn’t dead… she’s asleep.

“Zaylee!” I yell, slapping the glass so hard my fingers sting. “Wake up. Hey! Zaylee!”

There’s no reaction from her, so I start punching the solid surface, but all that does is send a zinging ache through my knuckles.

Laying his hand over mine, Kai discourages me from injuring myself. “I don’t think she can hear you. Maybe it’s soundproof.”

“Of course. Soundproof.” Prodding along the top edge, I try to find a way to open it. “There must be a latch somewhere.”

While I’m searching for a crack I can’t find, Kai stands back and observes my actions with an expression that’s half skepticism, half sympathy.

“What?” I ask, motioning for him to join me in my endeavor. “Why aren’t you helping? We have to get her out.”

“Sunny,” he starts carefully, “I understand you want to free her, but what are you going to do with her after that?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, she’s asleep. She might be under a spell, and there’s a chance we won’t be able to wake her. Am I to carry her through the rest of our journey?”

Still feeling around for a lid, my lips thin with irritation over the fact that Kai has a point.

He just poked a giant hole in my plan.

And okay, I don’t really have a plan. A plan would require a next step, which I haven’t considered.

“Are you suggesting we leave her here?” I ask incredulously, halting to face Kai. “Since when do you back down from a mission?”

“With all due respect, she isn’t my mission. You are.”