He gently strokes my hair. “Why are you crying?”

“I thought you weren’t coming back,” I mumble by his neck.

“I told you I would.” He walks forward into the room, carrying me.

“You just took a long time.”

“I apologize for that. I wanted to make sure I didn’t let any lycans escape. I had to chase one down the street. He tried to hide from me, but I took him out a few blocks away.”

“Oh.” Sniffling, I blink away my tears as I cling to him.

Kai rotates to shut the balcony door, then he pats my shoulder in the way you do with a friend when a hug is over. When my arms remain around his neck and my ankles stay locked behind his back, those pats turn into little pushes. With his hands on both of my shoulders, he’s trying to pry me off.

It’s difficult, but I manage to let him go. I slide off his body and step away.

He grimaces as he looks me up and down. “I got you all dirty.”

I don’t give the lycan blood on me a glance. “That’s okay.”

An uncomfortable silence ensues, and I know this is my opening.

Drawing in some air and squaring my shoulders, I get ready to profess my love, probably in a nonsensical ramble with too many words.

But at that very moment, the room starts to change.

Everything gets bright because the chandelier and the wall sconces illuminate. The dust and dirt start melting away. The floor, which I’d assumed was a neutral-colored tile, is actually extremely colorful. Little hexagonal shapes beneath my feet turn to cobalt blue, lavender, red, orange, and pearl. They form a geometrical design, like sunrays all leading to the center of the room.

A mural appears on the ceiling. It’s a painting of the most beautiful sky with fluffy, peachy clouds, rainbows and stars, day and night, and dawn and dusk. It’s the best of all the realms. It shouldn’t look right, meshed together like that, but it does.

Quiet creaking comes from the standing wardrobe as the cabinet doors right themselves. The hinges repair, and the exterior is restored to its original shiny dark wood.

Next, a mattress and soft white bedding materialize out of nowhere. There’s a pile of pillows at the head of the bed, and a note appears on one of them. Just a folded piece of paper.

I go over to it and pick it up, careful not to touch the pristine white silk with my dirty fingers.

Sending Kai a wary glance, I open the note and flatly recite the short sentences. “Many thanks. Have fun.Best regards, your overlord.”

Kai lets out an agitated noise. “I loathe that bastard.”

Nodding, I’m in full agreement with his opinion, but that bastard followed through on the reward.

And apparently, the reward includes snacks.

On the two-person table, there’s a white pearlescent teapot with steam escaping the spout. A pair of cups, saucers, silver spoons, and a bowl of sugar cubes accompanies it. There’s also a white wicker picnic basket.

The scent of baked goods makes it to my nose.

“Do you smell that?” I ask, aggressively sniffing the air as I approach the basket.

When I peek inside, ham, fruit, biscuits, and various little jars of different jams are nestled on a bed of periwinkle satin napkins.

It’s practically a feast.

“Look at these clean clothes,” Kai says behind me.

He’s in front of the open wardrobe where there are outfits hanging, including a lavender dress for me, and leather pants and a dark-blue tank top for him.

Kai shuts the doors and frowns at how he smudged the golden handles with blood. “I’ll need to clean up before I partake in any of this.”