“Are you in pain?” Kai asks, reading my movements as discomfort. “Is it the shackles bothering you?”
“I’m fine,” I squeak out, humiliated because I’m a horny mess over a stranger.
“Fine?” he echoes incredulously. “You asked to die. That’s not fine.”
“Listen to me very closely.” He cuts off any reason I could give to defend my choice, talking slowly so I don’t miss one syllable. “You will not be dying anytime soon, and you willneversay those words to me again. Never, Ro. Do you understand?”
Affronted by his bossiness, I outwardly bristle while secretly enjoying the little flame of indignation flaring in my chest. “I don’t take orders from you.”
“I’m commanding it anyway. You will never give up on yourself. Ever. Say you agree. Swear it.”
I cross my arms. “Why would I promise you anything when you broke our vow?”
“It was a shitty deal, and you know it. You put me in a position where I had no choice but to deny you.”
Kai’s pecs rise and fall with every inhale. He’s trying to stay calm, but he’s shaking. All the trembling makes the dust on him sprinkle down like leaves falling off a tree during a windy day.
Apparently, the topic of my death is a hot button for the warrior. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s fun to see Kai when he’s upset, but it sure is interesting.
In this moment, I understand Armand a little better. The Lost Land is a world where all you can do is live vicariously through someone else’s emotions, and Kai is giving me a lot of his right now.
Taking a ragged breath, he attempts to gather some composure, but he just ends up growling, “You’ll feel better once we leave.”
“You can’t predict how I’ll feel.”
“A good meal, a warm bath, and a full night’s sleep is what you need.” He’s talking like I’m a cranky toddler who can be fixed with basic necessities.
“Don’t patronize me. I’m not a child.”
“Oh, I can see that.” His eyes dip to my breasts briefly before he respectfully brings his attention back up to my face.
Instead of feeling violated by his ogling, I’m more concerned about whether he likes what he sees or not.
Suddenly, his opinion matters to me. A lot.
I want him to think I’m attractive, but unfortunately, he’s found me at my worst.
Dirty. Smelly. Begging for death.
Not my finest moment.
“We must get going.” Moving on with business, Kai impatiently motions me forward with his fingers. “You can come willingly, or I can hoist you over my shoulder and carry you out. It’s up to you.”
“You talk like you’re going to just walk out of here with me. It won’t be that simple.”
Kai has no idea what he’s in for. He doesn’t understand this fucked-up world Armand has created, and another old familiar feeling floods my body.
I’m afraid for this courageous man.
I don’t want him to get hurt.
I look to the doorway. It’s empty now, but it won’t be for long. Soon, Armand will appear. He’ll be cold, collected, and cruel.
He’ll probably torture Kai in the most sadistic of ways, and I’ll have to watch.