“Because of the mission?”
“Yes.” A half-truth.
“Is that all it is?” Ro asks straightforwardly.
A roar interrupts us, and I’ve never been more thankful for a monster’s poor timing.
“I’ll return to you.” Backing away, I step outside. “Close these doors and lock them. Make sure the other one is locked, too. The lycans can’t get to you, but it’s just an extra precaution that will make me feel better.”
“Be careful.” Ro white knuckles the doors, slowly shutting them.
Spreading my wings, I drop over the banister of the balcony. Instead of flying upward, I dive for the ground, and the exhilarating free fall puts me in the right head space for what I’m about to do.
I’ll go through the building the way I came in and sneak up on the lycans from behind.
Hopefully, I can make this quick, and when it’s over, Ro will be so happy to get our break that she’ll forget what we were talking about.
Iwish Kai hadn’t dashed away so quickly. I understand why he had to go, but all I needed was a few more seconds to tell him how I feel.
My throat is tight. Not like it is during a panic attack—like it’s clogged with the words I didn’t get to say. I’m afraid I might choke on theI love youif I don’t get it out.
It’s ridiculous to think I could fall for someone so fast, but my time with Kai has been anything but normal. All these life-altering events have been crunched into a short period, and we’ve had to trust and protect each other. We’ve had to lean on one another for emotional support and strength.
And the way Kai was just talking makes me think there’s a chance my feelings aren’t unrequited after all.
Maybe he won’t reject me.
I really hope that’s the case because I need him.
There’s no denying that. I’m fooling myself if I think I can just be another one of the many damsels he’s saved.
I don’t know what our future would look like, but I don’t care as long as he’s with me.
Because if I have to go on without him… I’ll be a mad queen.
Let’s be honest here. My sanity is hanging by a thread, and Kai’s the string tethering me to it.
The idea of not being with him makes me physically ill. I’m nauseous and itchy. My chest hurts.
Every second I’m away from him feels like a minute. Every minute, an hour.
Some thumps from above get my attention, but I can’t tell what’s going on. This room has really good sound insulation, and I’m having trouble tracking all the muffled noises.
I’m tempted to peek my head out into the landing that leads to the flight shaft. Surely out there I’d be able to hear better, but Kai told me to stay inside, so I do.
Smashing the side of my face against the thick wood of the door, I close my eyes and listen.
There are echoes of Kai’s grunts, animalistic screeches, and lots of bumps and bangs.
Something very heavy falls right over my head, shaking the chandelier and making plaster rain down from the ceiling. Had to be a bookcase. A body wouldn’t make that kind of impact.
After another rumble, Kai yells something unintelligible.
That could’ve been a shout of pain. If he gets scratched or bitten, he won’t be coming back as the same person. He might not be coming back at all.