Crossing my arms, I remind him, “You said we couldn’t let them get close enough to scratch or bite us.”

“And I won’t let them.”

“But with your strategy, we’re basically bait.”

“No,I’mbait. You’re not going to be in any danger.”

“How do you figure?”

Instead of answering me, Kai extends his arms. “Climb on. It’s time for your first flight shaft experience.”

As I move toward him, I observe the way he’s flexing his fists. There’s a tenseness in his shoulders and an eager glint in his eyes, and I notice it for what it is—barely restrained excitement.


He wants violence. He’s craving it, and he can’t wait to have a run in with the lycans.

After killing dozens of guards just an hour ago, you’d think he’d be satisfied, but Kai’s not a regular guy. He’s an adrenaline junkie, and I keep being reminded of that fact far too often for my liking.


“You’re not going to eat?” Ro’s chastising tone makes it very clear that she’s not okay with my decision to refuse lunch.

I only collected one of each dish for a reason—I won’t be joining her. “I’m not hungry.”

“You said we’d need our strength.” Ro just loves to throw my own words back at me.

To be honest, I secretly love her disapproval because it means she cares on some level. “My strength is fine.”

“There’s enough food for us both in your sack.”

“For today,” I agree. “But what about tomorrow?”

Not having a great rebuttal, she mutters, “We might be in a different challenge by then.”

“Or we might not. The fact is, we don’t know what the future holds, and I’ll take care of you every chance I get. Now eat.”

“I feel bad that you’re just standing here watching me have all this delicious food.”

‘Delicious food’ is a generous description of the spread in front of her. There’s half a roll, a small hunk of cheese, and an apple. It’s all very bland, though I suppose it probably seems like a feast to someone who’s starving.

It’s not a chore to watch her eat. Quite the opposite, I love it, which is why I should stop.

“I’m going to listen at the door.” Pacing over to the wood with peeling white paint, I press my ear to the rough surface.

I’m antsy for some action.

Maybe I should’ve left some evidence for the lycans to find. Some kind of bread crumb trail, so to speak, and I need them to get here so I can kill something. It’s the only way for me to expel my inner frustration—sexual frustration.

If I can’t fuck, fighting is a halfway decent substitution. It’ll help me clear my head, and I must regain control of my thoughts before we have to announce the next challenge.

Because I almost lost it for us last time.

I’m actually glad I was gagged by that vine because if I’d had the ability to speak, I would’ve gotten it wrong.

I would’ve said it was a test of the heart because of how fast I fell for Ro.

My eyes wander back to the queen.