There’s reluctance on her part, but she knows I won’t drop her while she figures out how to make herself secure. Once she’s latched, it makes flying easier.
“Good,” I say. “Now, you have to promise me something.”
“Don’t close your eyes. Watch the world around you.”
Flapping my wings, I go above the dusty clouds and start with a trick that’s easy. I go in a circle, spiraling until I’ve created a little cyclone in the sky.
Ro gapes at the wall of clouds as we spin, and I’m relieved when awe overtakes her apprehension.
Once she seems used to the current move, I switch it up.
I dive.
Ro lets out a surprised yelp when I drop, then I ascend again. I do a few more ups and downs. To finish the ride, I go in a straight horizontal line, but I spin my body like a screw. It makes Ro cling to me even harder.
I slow and straighten, spreading my wings to catch the wind so I can hover.
We start a gentle descent. We’re still up high, and we can’t see anything through the cloud cover.
That’s the best part about flying. It’s not the thrill I love the most, but how it makes me feel so far removed from the troubles on the ground.
“What do you think?” I ask. “Was it fun or have I just made you want to never fly again?”
Ro laughs a little. “Fun. Kind of like a roller coaster. That’s a human thing. It’s like this big structure with—”
“I know what it is.” I can’t help grinning because it’s cute that she was about to go into a long-winded explanation during a time of crisis.
When the smile lifts the right side of my face, I don’t try to stop it.
I let Ro see it.
If I’m willing to die for her, then I should be able to exhibit my biggest insecurity.
When she grins back without a shred of dismay, something akin to relief unwinds my tension.
I can be myself with her. My real, whole self.
I’ve never felt this way with someone. My fellow warriors accept me for who I am, but I’ve never let them completely know me. I’ve worn a stoic façade because I’m comfortable with them thinking of me as the tough man with the resting bitch face.
I didn’t realize how lonely that’s been until now. To constantly have my guard up… it’s exhausting.
But now I’ve found a sanctuary in Ro. In just a short time, I’ve gained a best friend.
A best friend I need to stay platonic with.
I must figure out a way to be okay with that, but she just makes my cock so damn hard. We just escaped a dangerous situation—a scenario that isn’t sexy in the least—and all my dick is concerned about is the fact that Ro is flush against me.
Day Realm dresses, these damn wispy things.
There isn’t much separating her pussy and the bare skin on my lower stomach, and I think about how close we were to fucking earlier. How good it felt to have my tip submerged in her wet heat. How badly I wanted to plunge my cock into her snug channel over and over again.
I clear my throat. “By now, the lycans have lost sight of us for a while. It’s safe to go back to the ground.”
What I’m not saying is, I need to get Ro away from me before my erection literally rips through my pants to get to her.
Soaring down, I head to the center of the city.