“It’s not bad,” I tell him, and I’m being honest. The bleeding has stopped, and it’s crusted over.
“Are you injured elsewhere?” Kai asks with worry.
Half-shrugging, I reassure him, “Nothing too terrible.”
There’s a minor burn on my left palm because of the hot door frame, and Kai gently cradles my hand in his as he inspects it.
Other signs that I got knocked around are present—some soreness on my wrist where Zarid grabbed me, pain in my hip from when I was pushed to the floor, and an ache in my knees because of the hard landing out here.
Kai bitterly states, “It seems the injuries we sustained in real time will remain with us.”
Attempting to be lighthearted, I smile. “Seriously, if this is the only damage we’re leaving with, I’d say we’re lucky.”
I touch his arm in a comforting gesture.
He doesn’t shake me off immediately, but he gives me a friendly pat, and then he scoots away.
When he gets to his feet, he holds out a hand to help me up. I slide my fingers against his, but as soon as I’m standing, he lets go.
He picks up his weapons. The ax and the machete go back to their rightful places on his belt, and he grips his trusty sword.
There’s a distance between us as he glances around.
I don’t just mean a physical distance. It’s the way he won’t look at me, how quiet he’s being, and how unhappy he seems.
My grin fades.
I’m confused. Shouldn’t we be celebrating? I feel like we should be embracing and kissing, not moping.
Maybe Kai’s still upset about our squabble in the stairwell. We never really hashed it out.
“Are you mad?” I ask hesitantly.
“What?” His mouth remains turned down as he finally meets my eyes. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”
“Because youlookmad.”
“This is just the way I look all the time.” He tries to sound upbeat, but it’s forced. “Take no offense. Queen Quinn says I have the ‘resting bitch face.’”
He totally does have RBF, but in the last challenge, he was positive, affectionate, and open.
I’ve seen him happy. And sexy. And charming.
The things we did and what he said to me… He bared his heart. He told me his secrets, shared his past. He said I was the exception to his every rule.
Now he’s acting like we didn’t have a bunch of orgasms and become best friends along the way.
He’s almost… awkward. I’ve never had a one-night stand, but I imagine this is what it would be like if you’re stuck with someone you regret sleeping with.
But I’m not just a random hookup.
What happened between us was meaningful.
At least, it was to me.
“I’m betting our next journey awaits somewhere outside of the maze,” Kai suggests, using that business-like tone I dislike so much. “I vote we leave through the entrance this time. Hopefully there will be no violent roses.” When I don’t move right away, he insists, “Do not fret. I’ll do better to prevent harm to you in the future.”
Is that what this weirdness is about? Is he pissed at himself because he thinks he didn’t protect me?