He truly was one of the worst rulers Valora has ever seen, and that’s been recorded in the history books. So has his very public demise. He met death in the least glorious way possible.

About twenty years ago, his own son killed him. Prince Zander flew over a battlefield in his griffin form, went straight for his father, and bit off the king’s head with his giant beak in front of thousands of warriors. Then he shifted back into a man. A naked, bloody, ruthless man.

It surprised the fuck out of everyone because the prince’s ability to shift was a secret up until then. People thought he didn’t have any power at all, but he proved them wrong with a talent no one had ever seen.

And the gruesome act was a statement—one that demanded respect as the new king.

That day, Queen Ro finally gained her freedom, but unfortunately, it didn’t last long.

A couple years after Zarid’s death, she ran off to the human realm. I’m not sure if it was a vacation or an escape, but she deserved the right to choose her own path, even if her sudden decision to leave Valora shocked and saddened many.

Alas, she fell into captivity once again when Ellister came to take her shortly after she returned to Brazil.

Now she’s here.

The swishing continues. She’s sweeping—a tedious, endless task in this dust-filled world.

“I’m here to help you,” I say, even quieter now. “I’ve come to take you away from this hell.”

“Don’t toy with me. I’m too tired for games today.”

“No games. My name is Kai. King Zander sent me.”

The shadow of a head peeks out from behind the throne, but just for a second, and not long enough for me to see her face. She disappears again.

“I know all of Zander’s men,” she states with skepticism. “I don’t recognize you.”

“That’s because I belong to the Night Realm. I’m King Kirian’s warrior, but my services have been loaned to King Zander from time to time. Consider my assignment a task given by all the royals. Everyone wants you to be safe. Under their orders, I’m to bring you home.”

“Home?” The word doesn’t have the happy note I would expect. She’s completely devoid of emotion, as if her spirit is broken. “I have no home.”

“Valora,” I clarify, then I pause because maybe she doesn’t want to go back there. “Or the Earth realm, perhaps?”

“No, thank you.” Still so polite.

Baffled, I’m speechless for a few seconds.

If Queen Ro doesn’t want to return to Valora or Earth, where else is there? She certainly can’t want to stay in the Lost Land.

“Your Majesty, please listen to me. I don’t care where you want to go, as long as it’s not this stars forsaken place. I’ll take you anywhere. Anywhere but here.”

“Really?” Finally, there’s a hint of interest in her question, but she still hasn’t moved from behind her hiding place.



“I do.”

“I’ll need you to swear it,” she presses. “You’ll send me anywhere I want to go.”

“Yes,” I insist. “You have my vow.”

“Even without your soul? In the Lost Land, promises don’t mean much when you’re not held accountable by magic.”

“I hold myself accountable,” I respond roughly with conviction. “If I give you my word, I will follow through.”

“Good. Then I accept.” Her voice breaks, and whether it’s from emotion or thirst, I’m not sure.