Always on my side, Kai defends, “You don’t know that this wouldn’t have been here anyway. He knows how to hit you where it hurts the most.”
That’s the truth. It’s ridiculous how Armand can pinpoint our deepest desires and hijack our weaknesses. He knows what we need, and he likes to use it against us.
“Should we move on to another room?” I throw the decision to Kai.
He glances at me.
On cue, my belly emits another cry for help.
Then Kai gets that hardness in his eyes that I recognize as anger mixed with a little bit offuck this and everyone who hurt her.
“Stand over here.” Putting an arm around my shoulders, he ushers me to a place by the stove.
When he pivots away from me to face the table, his elbow bumps into my boob. He’s not trying to turn me on, but his innocent accident makes more wetness flood my loin cloth.
This sad, stupid loin cloth. It’s practically soaked now. I can feel the dampness between my thighs where my skin is a bit sticky.
What I wouldn’t give for some new underwear. A real bra. Jeans and a T-shirt. I’d even take a formal fae dress, as uncomfortable as those damn things may be.
“Kai, we don’t have to do this,” I insist, fear getting the better of me as he approaches the domes. “We could forget about the food and see if we can find me some decent clothes instead.”
My attempt to aim his efforts elsewhere does nothing.
“No.” Turning his head, he gives me a severe frown. “You’re hungry, and you need more than what I can give you.”
“I’ll live.”
“Be ready to run.” His determination is steel. “If something bad happens, don’t wait for me. Just go.”
“Go where?”
He pauses. “Not too far. Armand could be trying to separate us.”
My lungs get tight with panic at the thought of being without Kai, and I croak, “We should have a meeting place.”
“Any suggestions?”
I try to think of a location where I feel somewhat safe.
I hate almost every room in this palace, but the library is one of the few places I have neutral feelings about. Nothing bad ever happened there. People tend to be on their best behavior in a room that represents civilization. It’s always been a respected space, valued for all the vital information it holds.
“There’s a library on the second floor,” I answer. “It’ll be the first door on the right at the top of the main stairs.”
“Sounds good.”
Going to the end of the table, Kai points his sword at the dome next to the plates. He hooks his long blade under the handle, using his weapon as a tool to keep some distance between himself and it.
I back up until my butt presses against the oven door. Warmth still radiates from the stovetop as if it were recently fired up. It heats the skin of my exposed backside, but my fingers are cold from the adrenaline running through me.
I can’t stop moving. I’m balling my fists and shifting from foot to foot.
Kai lifts the lid with his blade.
Steam billows up from the pile of hot bacon and sausages.
I blink, dumbfounded.