I can’t explain it. “Let me show you. I’ll show you what you do to me.”

I pointedly rub my thumb over the thick scar on his cheek, and it startles him that I’m putting a spotlight on this particular mark. Immediately, his eyes become wary because he doesn’t understand what I’m doing.

I draw him to me and kiss the textured skin.

He bucks a little, but I repeat it. Again and again, I cover the length up to his eyebrow, loving the part of him that he finds grotesque.

By the time I get back down to his cheek, I’m the one tasting tears.

Kai’s eyes are shut tightly. There’s a strained crease between his brows, and his nostrils are flaring as he takes quick inhales. He’s trying desperately not to cry, but twin rivers roll down his face anyway.

“Hey.” I place my hand on his bristly beard. “Look at me.”

When he does, his shimmering eyes are like lasers straight to my heart.

I hurt for him, but I welcome the ache. I meet him where his pain is, hoping if I join him there, I can heal him the same way he does me.

“You’re so gorgeous,” I insist with raw honesty. “Every part of you is handsome, and flawless, andmine. You think you’re the possessive one? I’m fiercely obsessed with you. Seriously, it might become a problem.”

He grins as two straggling tears trail through his facial hair. “I changed my mind about you touching me whenever you want.”

I scrunch my nose. “What?”

“I want more—touch me as much as you can. Put your hands on me all the time. At every opportunity, feel me.”

“I’ll do that,” I promise, and I follow through when I pet his neck.

Like a cat, he leans into my hand, and the growl rumbling in his chest sounds kind of like a purr.

Turned on by the extra affection, Kai starts rolling his hips against mine.

It’s the opposite of rough, punishing thrusts, and my mouth pops open because I’m surprised by how good it feels.

The glide. The fullness.

I’ve never known what it’s like to have someone move inside me this way, and I didn’t expect to like it this much.

I don’t justlikeit.


As if I’m a virgin discovering sex for the first time, I register all the wonderful, foreign sensations. The way Kai’s torso is wedged between my thighs. The hot flexing of his ass under my linked ankles behind his back. The kisses he’s planting on the side of my neck.

Latching onto my pulse point, he sucks. Tingles burst all over me.

I let out a hoarse sound.

“Good?” Kai’s breath is hot against my skin, and he licks the spot.

I start sweating and shaking. “So good.”

“Tell me if it’s too much.”

Ever so slowly, he withdraws until his cock is almost out of me. When his tip is about to slip from my body, he pushes it back in. All the way. He massages my entire channel before stretching my cervix.

He does it over and over.

Leisurely. Calculated.