“Enough for me to know you belong with me.” He points at his chest before stabbing a finger in the direction of the wildflowers. “Not out there. Not scattered around in millions of pieces in the dirt.”

“You don’t get to decide that. My fate is out of your control.”

“Fate,” he deadpans. His arm tightens around me, and his mood shifts as he snarls, “Fate has never been my friend, and I’m not about to embrace it as my companion.”

“You can’t change my future, Ellister. I wish you could, but it’s not possible.”

For a second, I think he’s going to argue with me on that. But then he just nods once, like he just made an agreement with himself.

Determination blankets his face, and he clenches his jaw before demanding, “Sleep now, darling. Don’t you worry about a thing. I haven’t exhausted all my options yet. You just wait and see.”

Options? What options? And wait and see what?


The kittens left a while ago. I assume they went to find their mother, and I actually miss the gentle purring they provide.

It’s just as well. I have business to attend to. I won’t be getting any sleep tonight because there are important tasks to carry out.

Unfortunately, that means I have to leave Hannah’s side.

She looks so beautiful here, her face turned toward the skylight.

With the silvery moon casting a glow over her abnormally colorless skin, she looks like a marble statue.

Frozen in time.

If only time really would stand still.

This day… it’s the best day I’ve ever had. I didn’t even know days like this could happen, and I’d give anything to live it over and over again. To listen to this woman’s sarcastic remarks. To eat with her, laugh with her. To just hold her. Listen to her breathing. Feel the thump of her heart.

But villains like me don’t get rewarded. If I want destiny to go my way, I’ll have to force its hand.

I’ve come to a conclusion—I’ll do what I can to save Hannah.

I’ll make Vaeront an offer he won’t want to refuse.

When I show up at his castle without my collection in tow, he’ll be surprised. I know he’ll be angry at my defiance, but hopefully what I’m bringing him will be enough for him to release Hannah from his clutches.

Sliding my arm out from under Hannah’s head, I bunch the blankets beneath her neck so she’s comfortable. She murmurs something unintelligible as her fingers curl against the fabric of my shirt.

Remembering those same fingers, unable to button her pants just this morning, sends ice to my heart.

Hannah’s condition is accelerating so quickly. The deal wants completion, and her body is in a hurry to give it to me.

Perhaps being away from her is what’s best right now. She could use a break from me, and if things go as I hope they will, she’ll never have to see me again.

If I’m successful with my backup plan, her suffering will end, and her life will resume as it once was.

The thought of never being in her presence again causes me physical pain, like a knife in my heart. Like the stealing of my breath. Like darkness and despair.

After I leave, all I’ll be able to do is hold onto the memory of her. The dotting of freckles over her nose, her giggle when she teases me, the determined press of her lips when she wants to be strong, and the way her maple-brown eyes squint when she smiles or, even better, when they’re clouded with desire… that will be what I think of when I miss her.

She’ll be my motivation to keep existing. She doesn’t know she’s given me that gift, but I’m indebted to her for it.

“Farewell, darling.” I lightly touch her soft hair. “I’ll try to fix you. I promise.”

By the time I’ve acquired Vaeront’s consolation prize, I’m a bit exhausted from forming two back-to-back vortexes within minutes of each other.