I glance at him, and even his posture has changed. He’s relaxed, one hand draped over the wheel and the other poised on the gearshift, his fingers tapping the knob like he has no cares in the world.
His eyes, which showed me such concern a minute ago, are hard. With a glint of… cruelty.
Despite the heat, a shiver runs down my spine, and I suddenly feel silly for getting in this vehicle.
Before, Ellister had seemed almost sweet, but now something about him is setting off all kinds of alarm bells. Call it instinct or whatever, but it’s like my body knows something is wrong with the current situation.
But for some reason, I’m not scared. I’m… excited.
Which is disconcerting.
I’ve never been an adrenaline junkie. It’s not like I’m a super careful person either, but I’ve never gone out of my way to put myself in danger just to feel alive.
I feel alive now.
There’s a prickle zinging over every inch of my skin.
Not a painful prickle; not like the ones I’ve been dealing with. No, this kind isn’t unpleasant. On the contrary, I don’t feel any pain at the moment. Even my leg has calmed down.
With staggering realization, I think back on the past couple minutes.
I haven’t been hurting since I got in the car.
It’s like all my attention has been so centered on Ellister, my mind forgot to tell me I’m still sick.
As I wiggle my toes, I note the numbness and lack of mobility on the right, but the absence of pins and needles. I roll my shoulders, trying to be aware of the pain in my neck and head. Trying to actively summon it.
To my shock, it’s so diminished that it’s barely there.
Am I getting better?
Miracles do happen, and the doctors said all my issues could just clear up out of the blue. I thought they were just trying to give me false hope at the time, but it’s not impossible.
My dad and Ellister exchange a few more tense words, but I’m too focused on myself to pay attention to what they’re saying.
I haven’t felt this good since before the onset of my symptoms.
Maybe health isn’t out of reach, which means my dad was right—I can’t be sure of how much time I have left, and I can’t go throwing caution to the wind and risking my safety with sexy strangers.
Right? Right.
I don’t know Ellister, and I shouldn’t have trusted him so quickly.
“I’m gonna hop in with my dad,” I say, not giving Ellister time to offer a different alternative. “Thanks for the ride.”
As I vault myself out of the car, my dad steadies me by the shoulders and makes sure I’m balanced with my cane.
While he gets the crate from Ellister’s back seat, I make my way to the back of the truck and meet him there.
“What’s that about?” I ask, keeping my question low as I tip my head toward the car.
Ellister’s not making any move to leave, and he’s doing that staring thing again. Through the tinted driver’s side window, his face is hidden, but his pale eyes are pinned on me.
“Just business,” Dad answers dismissively.
“What kind?” I press, making my voice deep and mocking as I repeat Ellister’s words, “What I have to say is very important. It sounded serious, Dad.”