Page 27 of Nerd Girl

I liked her. “Fine. Fifteen second version. Gage and I went to Wendover for our birthday. We met Mr. Tall, Dark, and Stupid Liar Face there. We had sex and now Sawyer is here to buy my store.”

Ravyn let out a slow breath, her eyes wide. “Fuck me.”

“Exactly.” Literally.

“Wait. What? Backup.” Alys and Aubrey spoke in overlapping confusion.

I suspected they’d heard me fine.

“Dorks and Demons, welcome to Trivia Night.” Joystick’s voice carried over the loudspeaker, cutting our conversation short.

“Game time.” The interruption would give me time to figure out what to tell my friends.


Joystick handed the mic to the night’s trivia master and stepped aside to let the event happen. The first few times he hosted this event, people accused him of cheating because Eli liked to play, Eli was fucking good at this, and Eli was Joystick’s boyfriend.

No surprise, even without Joystick in charge of questions and scoring, Eli’s team frequently won.

Not tonight, though. Sorry, guys. Anyone with Sawyer on their team had to go down. That was all there was to it.

The way the questions started, most of the teams stayed in the running for a few rounds. Joystick had some nifty tech in here that let the questions pop up at each table, and there was a time limit for each question, depending on how many answers it required.

We glided our way through things like name four presidents, name that tune, name the smallest state in the US…

When we started getting six to ten images on the screen, with things like name as many of these movies as possible, teams were left in the dust. Even we fell a few points behind our rival for the night, because Adam knew every single image.

Next up was name the bands. Most of the people in the image started making music before most of us were born, but that didn’t stop Alys from picking up where the rest of us were lacking in knowledge. She got them all.

Problem was, as far as I could tell from the boys’ table, Sawyer did too. High fives and fist bumps abounded.

But I made sure we kicked their asses on the question about identifying the logos of defunct electronics stores.

In between, Alys and Aubrey tried to get me to spill the details about what happened with Sawyer. I brushed them off again and again with later.

Fortunately, Ravyn seemed to have a strong competitive streak, and she took my side when it came to focusing on the win.

Two hours later, our team and his were tied. We’d left everyone else in the dust.

“We’re going to do something different for the tie-breaker round,” the emcee said. “Each team gets to help decide what it will be. Ladies, do you want a physical challenge or a mental one?”

We all exchanged looks.

“They don’t actually mean physical,” Aubrey said to Ravyn. “It’s usually something like pool or a video game.”

Alys scrunched up her face. “We always win in physical challenges.”

“Not against Adam,” I reminded them.

“And you don’t know what this Sawyer guy is capable of,” Ravyn said.

I had a fairly good idea, and I didn’t like it.

“Time’s up, ladies. Do you have an answer?”

I looked around the table. Ravyn pulled a game token from the top of the stack she’d been playing with. “Heads we go mental.”

I snickered at the wording, and watched the longest coin flip in history as the token flew about a foot in the air, then clattered back to the table.